The Funding Crisis in Further Education

The Government promised financial stability in FE in its “Success for All” reforms in 2002. It recognised that annual funding allocations lead to short-term planning, restricting the ability to take strategic decisions because of uncertainty about future income flows. A three-year funding strategy, with an extra £1 billion was promised. Additional funding has been consumed […]

Employers’ Proposals on the Review of Part Two of the Green Book

Conference notes the proposals made by the Employers’ side of the National Joint Council (NJC) on 11 May in relation to the review of national conditions of service set out in Part Two of the Green Book. We believe that these have profound implications for all members within the Service Group, not only those whose […]

Make Poverty History

Conference welcomes and supports the 2005 Make Poverty History (MPH) campaign. Conference affirms that it is a fundamental role of trade unions to organise and campaign to ensure sufficient income and appropriate support from public services for all to live a decent life, free from poverty. Trade unions, aid agencies, campaigning organisations and faith organisations […]

Work Life Balance

Whilst Conference welcomes UNISON’s work on work life balance/family friendly policies the changing demands of the workplace mean that women in the main, and increasingly men, find it harder to juggle the pressure of work, family, and other caring and outside responsibilities. There are a number of issues which need to be highlighted and addressed: […]

Employment Rights

Conference reaffirms its belief that decent employment and trade union rights for all is one of the foundation stones of a just and civilised society. Conference welcomes the improvements in the law brought about by the Employment Relations Act, such as additional protections to prevent employers from engaging in union-busting activities, and new measures to […]

Anti-Terrorism Act

Conference welcomes the return to the UK of the British citizens who have been held without trial in Guantanamo Bay but believes that the practice of detaining such suspects without trial should never be tolerated. Conference therefore welcomes the growing number of voices calling for this practice to be ended in the UK. Conference especially […]

Rule L.2 Members’ Benefits

Delete L.2 and insert new L 2: “.2 The National Executive Council shall take all steps necessary to ensure that the charity – UNISON Welfare, is adequately funded to meet its responsibilities. Within the Constitution and Rules of UNISON Welfare a range of services may be provided as determined by the Board of Trustees, including […]

Rule G.2.2.3 The Branch Committee

Add new Rule G.2.2.3: “.3shall organise around workplace learning and co-ordinate the activities of learning representatives;”

Rule G.4.1.1 Branches

After “Young Members Officer” insert “, Welfare Officer”

Pension Fund Investments and Trade Union Organisation

Conference notes that workers’ pensions and savings are invested in publicly quoted companies around the world. Even after the stock market slump, in 2002, workers’ retirement savings and pension funds totalled more than US$11 trillion. Large institutional investors, pension funds, insurance companies and mutual funds, together own a majority share in most of the world’s […]

Rule D.2.5 Young Members Seat

Delete all before “there”

Rule G.2.1.3 The Branch Committee

After “Equality Officer(s)” insert “, Welfare Officer”

Rule D.1.7.7 The Right to Attend and Speak

Delete “15” and replace with “14”

Rule B.1.6 At Work and in the Community

Add new Rule B.1.6: “To promote and improve the health, safety and welfare of members in the workplace.” Renumber rest of Rule B.1.

Rule G.6 Health and Safety Representatives

Add new Rule: “.6Health and Safety Representatives 6.1 One or more health and safety representatives shall be elected annually for each work group or workplace by the members in that group or workplace in accordance with branch arrangements 6.2 The election of each health and safety representative shall be reported to the branch for ratification […]