Sale of the Millenium Dome

Conference notes: 1.That the Millenium Dome was built and funded as a facility for all people of the UK and not for the vested interests of private business. 2.That the proposed sale will transfer its use to a company that is backed by Phillip Anschlutz, who has a long history of supporting homophobic religious groups […]

International Lesbian & Gay Association

Conference condemns the homophobic position of countries that voted to reject the International Lesbian and Gay Association’s (ILGA) application for consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on 30th April 2002. Conference notes that at least two thirds of these countries operate laws criminalising same-sex relationships. Conference is appalled that […]

LogOUT – The UNISON Local Government Lesbian & Gay Network

Conference urges Regional Lesbian and Gay Groups/Committees each to appoint a regional contact for the Local Government Network.

Britannia Building Society

Conference recalls resolutions of earlier conferences expressing concern whether the UNISON PLUS partner companies offer UNISON members a consistently non discriminatory service. It recalls particularly the resolution of the sixth conference which instructed the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to work with the National Executive Council to remind companies of the importnat that their policies […]

Term of Office on National Lesbian and Gay Committee

Conference instructs the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) to increase the term of office for NLGC representatives from one to two years.

Procurement and Equalities

Conference notes that the Audit Commission recently raised concerns on the performance of local authorities in respect of equalities, particularly in service delivery. Conference therefore welcomes the amendment to the Local Government Act 1988 part II powers, which removes the restriction preventing equality considerations from being taken into account in the awarding of contracts when […]

UNISON’s 10th Anniversary

Conference notes that 2003 will be UNISON’s 10th Anniversary. This will be a milestone anniversary of the coming together of the original 3 unions (COHSE, NUPE and NALGO). These 10 years have seen many achievements that UNISON should be proud of. Therefore this anniversary should be an opportunity to reflect on our achievements and renew […]

Joint Scotland & Northern Ireland Training Event

Conference recognises the valuable experience that regional training offers to groups and individual members. This training is further beneficial when it involves more than one region, and in April of this year UNISON Scotland hosted a joint event with our colleagues in Northern Ireland. This event was a reciprocal event following on from the success […]

Recognition of our Families and Partnerships

Conference welcomes the broadening of the debate on recognition of lesbian and gay partnerships. Conference notes that the Government has set up a team in the Women and Equality Unit to look into the issue of civil partnership registration and its associated rights and responsibilities and welcomes the participation of UNISON members in a survey […]

Ending of Age Discrimination

This Conference notes that the Government has taken a piecemeal approach to the enactment of anti-discriminatory law in the United Kingdom. In particular, the Government does not apparently intend to address the question of age discrimination in the provision of goods and services set out in a European Directive until 2006 at the earliest. The […]

Pensions Service

The Government launched the new Pensions Service on 1 April 2002. Prior to that date, pensioners received face to face support and had their information processed by specialist staff based in their local benefits office. This Conference is concerned that under the new Pensions Service: 1)Pensioners will be forced to make claims or raise financially […]

Ending of Tax Penalty on Pensioners

This Conference is concerned that nearly a million pensioners are being penalised on tax free allowances because of restrictions imposed by the Government. Such age allowance restrictions penalise modest savings and punish those who have worked to earn a decent pension. Conference requests the National Executive Council to raise this matter with the Government and […]

Violent Attacks

Conference agrees that violent attacks on the elderly and people with a disability is now an every day occurrence, because the sentence for the crime is light and ludicrous. Conference requests the National Executive Council to give full support to the campaign that seeks from this Labour Government a statutory additional penalty against anyone who […]

Political Fund Review

The growing anger and frustration of UNISON members at New Labour’s continued attacks on public services, through privatisation, cuts and low wages, was reflected at last year’s National Delegate Conference. Conference notes that the decision of National Delegate Conference 2001 to review the Union’s political funds was rightly seen by our members and the media […]


This Conference expresses its deepest concern at the escalation and continuing acts of violence in the Middle East, whoever the authors may be. We believe that bloodshed will only cease when a degree of political perspective and dialogue is restored. Only then will a satisfactory solution be found to the Arab/Israeli conflict. Conference notes with […]