Beyond the General Election – UNISON’s Vision

Conference welcomes the expected return of a Labour government for a third term in office but expresses concern at the tone and direction of parts of Labour’s election manifesto and campaign, which often pandered to the perceived interests of middle England instead of presenting a clear alternative to the individualistic and xenophobic vision of society […]

Organising for Growth

Conference welcomes the rise in UNISON membership to 1,313,500 and notes that membership has risen for the sixth year in a row and by over 100,000 new members since the introduction of an organising strategy. It congratulates all those involved, especially the smaller service groups, in particular police staffs, young members and the community and […]

Iraq – Reconstruction and Solidarity

Conference condemns: 1)the occupation of Iraq by British and American troops arising from an illegal war; 2)the destruction of Fallujah and the slaughter of innocent civilians, the majority of whom continue to be killed by coalition troops; 3)the use of torture and the inhumane treatment of Iraqi detainees by British and American troops as instanced […]


Conference calls upon the government to immediately cease all further development of, and legislation for, national identity cards and the National Identity Register. Conference further welcomes the decision of the Scottish Executive not to make ID cards compulsory for accessing devolved public services. We believe the proposals constitute an attack on individual rights and freedoms. […]

Repeal of Political Fund Review Ballot Legislation

Conference welcomes the overwhelming vote of UNISON members by 85 per cent to retain UNISON Political Fund, and further notes that virtually every union which has been obliged to hold a review ballot in the last year has secured a decisive majority in favour of retention of a political fund. For most unions this represents […]

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in the Workplace

Conference welcomes the increased profile of lesbian and gay workplace issues in the work of many parts of our union, while acknowledging that there is still much to be done. Conference recognises that UNISON’s ability to organise, negotiate and campaign effectively on equality issues flows directly from its commitment to self-organisation. Conference notes that since […]

Domestic Abuse

Conference is concerned that domestic abuse accounts for at least 25 per cent of all violent crime, one in four women will experience domestic abuse at some time in their lives, and that every week two men kill their femal partners or female ex-partners. Conference welcomes the recent moves by government to raise awareness of […]

The Future of Council Housing

Conference welcomes the fact that at the Labour party conference on 26 September, Deputy Prime Minister said: “Public financing of housing does not treat local authorities on a level playing field and I want to see that changed and I promise to do that and look at an enquiry into it”. After the vote, Housing […]

Climate Change

Conference notes the statement of the chairperson of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, warning that global warming is nearing a point of no return and calling for very deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. We further note that the United States and Australia continue to refuse to ratify the seven year […]

Privatisation of Education

Conference notes with concern the incremental and multi-faceted process of privatisation and marketisation of education which has taken place under the Labour government through private management of state schools, privatisation of Local Education Authority (LEA) functions and education provision, and use of Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The government’s five year strategy for education will speed […]

Completing the Picture – Raising the Profile of Non-Clinical NHS Staff

Conference welcomes the campaign ‘Completing the Picture’ which aims to raise the profile of clerical, administrative and managerial staff in the NHS. This campaign, organised by UNISON with the NHS Confederation, won the support of 116 MP’s who signed an Early Day Motion in October/November 2004. The campaign pack features real people doing real jobs, […]


·Conference deplores the failure of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Trusts within Northern Ireland to exercise their statutory obligations under Section 75 and Statutory Duty in employing and providing services for those with disabilities; · ·Conference calls on UNISON to seek an immediate Audit of the numbers of disabled staff employed within the Northern […]

Flat Rate, Pan London Weighting

Whilst recognising that some staff have done well out of the high cost area allowance under Agenda for Change, many staff have actually lost some of their London weighing due the move from a flat-rate to a percentage rate. This is a retrograde step as it affects the lowest paid staff. It is also the […]

Associate Mental Health Practitioner

This conference is becoming increasingly alarmed at the introduction of a new worker called the Associate Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) within a large mental health trust in the South East of England. The AMHP was originally introduced in response to a shortage of registered mental health nurses in that particular geographical area but is now […]

Mental Health Services

This conference recognises that much of the current mental health legislation dates back to the 1950’s and that even the most recent amendments to the Mental Health Act in 1983 are now seriously out of date. Many improvements to mental health services, particularly over the last 5 years, have necessitated a root and branch review […]