Nelson Mandela: Inspiring Future Generations

Conference notes that 2020 will be the 30 year anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela from captivity. Conference believes that Mandela’s life, sacrifice and values are inspirational to us today in our struggle for justice and equality. Conference notes with pride the role of trade unionists in the Anti-Apartheid movement and that Nelson Mandela […]

Recruitment and Retention of Members

Conference notes with pride the increase in UNISON membership during 2018 and commends the effort made by branches and activists towards this significant achievement in the face of unrelenting Tory cuts to public services. Throughout the decade of austerity UNISON has managed to mitigate membership losses and recruit new activists through its key Meeting the […]

Violence and Aggression

Conference re-affirms its belief that violence and aggression against workers, whether physical, verbal or psychological, is not part of the job. Conference notes, and congratulates all those involved in the work across the union in the past year, in highlighting this as one of UNISON’s key campaigning issues. It notes that UNISON has long campaigned […]

Make 2021 the Year of Disabled Workers

Conference believes that one of UNISON’s strengths lies in its recognition of the value and unique experiences disabled people bring to the workplace and to our union. UNISON recognises that people are disabled by societal and environmental barriers rather than their medical condition. Conference, commends the work of UNISON’s National Disabled Members Committee to raise […]

Rule G The Branch Secretary

In G 4.2.4 at the end of the sentence insert the following: “and the law with particular reference to the Data Protection Act 2018”.

Schedule B Benefits of Members in Education

In existing Schedule B 2.3 after “above” delete the full stop and insert “with the exception of holding office. Persons in this category of membership shall not be entitled to hold any office in the Union.”

Rule G Branch Officers

In existing rule G 4.1.6 insert after “branch secretary,” “branch chair”


Conference notes that brutal austerity has continued to blight public services. Despite claims from Prime Minister Theresa May in her 2018 Conservative Party Conference speech that “support for public services will go up”, all public services have been pushed to – and in many cases beyond – breaking point. Conference notes that during almost a […]


The damning report of the United Nations Human Rights Rapporteur found that in the UK “14 million people, a fifth of the population, live in poverty. Four million of these are more than 50% below the poverty line, and 1.5 million are destitute, unable to afford basic essentials. The widely respected Institute for Fiscal Studies […]

Rule G Branch Meetings

Insert a new Rule G 3.4.4: “G 3.4.4 Agree any proposals for branch honoraria in line with the National scheme. Should the meeting be inquorate then these proposals should be considered by the Regional Council or the relevant delegated Lay body in the region.” Renumber existing Rules accordingly.

Rule C Obligations of Membership

Delete current C 6.2 and replace with: “C 6.2 Details of where the rulebook may be downloaded from the UNISON website will be provided to each new member when they join. Hard copies of the rulebook may be requested.”


Conference notes that UNISON’s branches are of key importance in the provision of support for members and their responsibilities are ever increasing. The reduction of employers in national bargaining arrangements and the significant fragmentation of the workforce point to this trend. Many branches now deal with hundreds of employers, receiving no consolidated facility time and […]

Smash the Gender Pay Gap

Nearly 50 years since the Ford machinists went on strike at Dagenham, the UK still has one of the worst gender pay gaps in Europe. Women effectively work for free for two months a year. As the largest UK women’s union, UNISON is uniquely placed to be the voice of women in public services on […]

Austerity and Public Safety

Conference believes that a decade of Tory austerity has starved our communities of essential services, eroded the resilience of the public sector and removed vital safety nets. It has also made communities less safe and left vulnerable people without the help they need. Public services are a lifeline for the most disadvantaged communities and it […]


Conference notes that the revenues of the three largest corporations in the world, including Wal-mart, were higher than the gross domestic product of 110 countries, 55% of all nation states and that 66 individual people own as much wealth as 3.6 billion people. Whilst trade and investment agreements give corporations extraordinary rights that enable them […]