Conference notes that many young people leave school with good exam results and the hope and dreams to gain full employment, more education and to expand their horizons for growth and independence. It’s well known that most disabled young people, due to lack of support during difficult times come out of education with lower grades […]


When the recession started to bite in 2008 the numbers of disabled people being made redundant was not proportionally higher than their non disabled counterparts. One possible reason for this was that a higher proportion of disabled people were employed in the public sector which was more disability friendly than the private sector. Currently twice […]


This Conference is concerned about the lack of information on the Rights of Disabled members at work on the UNISON website. Conference therefore calls upon the National Disabled Members Committee to: 1.Work with other bodies within UNISON who update the website to: a) Produce relevant information on the rights of disabled members at work b) […]


Conference notes that this Tory-led Government is savagely attacking the public sector both in the funding for services it provides to service users but also to the terms and conditions of the millions of people it employs throughout the country. Massive cuts to funding are also being faced by the third sector which provides services […]


Conference notes that many disabled people are able to lead a fulfilling working life due to the physical adaptations, computer equipment and appropriate office furniture which has been partly funded by AtW. From September 2010 AtW changed their rules and now only provide funding for highly specialised equipment and support workers, therefore, employers will have […]

Disability Leave

Conference instructs National Disabled Members Committee to give a written report back to next years conference along with a presentation on proposals on how to speed up the adoption of disability leave policy by employers where we organise across the UK. The report will need to look at why it has been adopted by some […]


It is estimated that the Governments house building target of 150,000 homes in England over four years will fall short of the number needed by nearly quarter of a million. Up to 5 million people are on housing waiting lists and 2.5 million families are living in overcrowded conditions. Where does this leave disabled people […]

Don’t condem young disabled people

Conference believes that young people are amongst those most likely to suffer as a consequence of the damaging policies being pursued by the Con-Dem Government, and that young disabled people will be especially hard-hit. Conference also believes that: 1.The job losses in the public and private sector predicted by the Treasury will have a catastrophic […]

Employers Discriminatory Tactics

Conference is concerned in the rise of employers using discriminatory tactics such as: ·Sickness procedures ·Capability and performance policies ·Presenteism ·Exclusion in recruitment and selection within restructure To rid themselves of disabled employees with minimum expenditure Conference calls upon UNISON National Disabled members Committee to: a)to work with branches and disabled members to actively pursue […]

Nursing and Midwifery Council Support or Rhetoric

Conference notes that registered nurses have an obligation under the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) Code of Conduct to formally raise any concerns they have about patient safety. This is also incorporated into the NHS Constitution (England). We also note the importance of raising concerns about poor standards of patient care, in the wake of […]

Training and development: crucial to the NHS

This Conference believes that proper training and development opportunities are essential for all those working for the NHS, regardless of what function they perform, if it is to maintain the standards crucial to the care of patients. For young staff, particularly those working in ancillary and administrative roles, looking to having careers in the NHS […]

Health and Safety Enforcement

Last year this conference welcomed the findings of the Boorman Report which highlighted the importance of: 1)The health & well being of NHS staff and the link between this and positive patient outcomes 2)Good quality occupational health services 3)Early interventions aimed at tackling the underlying causes of ill health and injury in the NHS such […]

Targeted Organising and Recruitment

Conference notes that the NHS in England is witnessing one of the most radical reform agendas ever and public service cuts are beginning to hit health services hard in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. These challenges will have a huge impact on less organised workplaces where non-unionised staff density is high. Conference also notes that, […]

Partnership Working in Difficult Times

Conference believes that the greatest test of the effectiveness of social partnership between governments, employers and trade unions is whether it can deliver real gains for staff and patients in difficult times. Conference recognises that, since 1997, partnership working has delivered real benefits for NHS staff and helped improve patient care, in all four countries […]

NHS Knowledge & Skills Framework and Learning in the NHS

Conference notes that the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) is the tool that supports career and pay progression for all NHS staff on Agenda for Change contracts. As an integral part of Agenda for Change, the KSF gives staff a contractual right to access learning and development opportunities at work. Conference recognises that, whilst […]