UNISON Probation Structures

This Conference notes that the transfer of Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC) staff to “The Probation Service” or Dynamic Framework Providers in June 2021 means it is necessary to change UNISON’s national structures for probation. Since the split of probation services in 2015, UNISON national structures have consisted of two sector committees for probation members in […]

Raising the Profile of Police Staff

Conference notes that the work of our police staff members continues to be under-reported by the media, poorly understood by the general-public and rarely mentioned by politicians when speaking on policing in Parliament. Conference further notes that this is despite the fact that: 1)There are 83,500 police staff working for forces in England and Wales, […]

Police and Justice Pay Consultation Procedures

This Conference notes that since the current pay consultation procedures were last agreed, the use of electronic voting in consultative ballots has proved to be an effective way of increasing the participation rate of our members. This Conference therefore calls upon the Service Group Executive to include the option of using electronic systems in consultative […]

End all Outsourcing in Probation Services

Conference notes that while the majority of Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) staff were transferred to the re-unified National Probation Service (NPS) on 26 June 2021, some CRC, CRC parent company and CRC sub-contractor staff were transferred at the same time to the so-called Dynamic Framework Providers (DFPs). Conference notes that: 1)As a result of some […]

Facility Time in the National Probation Service

Conference welcomes the success of UNISON’s campaign to re-unify the majority of the probation service in England and Wales and the transfer of most Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) staff into the National Probation Service (NPS) on 26 June 2021. Conference notes that: 1)UNISON’s membership in the NPS has doubled as a result of the staff […]

Police Staff Council Pay and Reward Review Part 2

Conference notes that Part 1 of the Police Staff Council (PSC) Pay and Reward Review was concluded in April 2017 with the introduction of the 2017 version of the PSC Handbook, following consultation and a ballot of members. Conference further notes that Part 2 of the review was to look at police staff basic pay, […]

LGBT+ Workers Health and Well Being

Conference notes that the police and justice sectors used to be equality trail-blazers in terms and conditions for staff and also in the quality, accessibility and inclusivity of health service delivery. This, coupled with a strong public service ethos, has contributed over the years to high numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus (LGBT+) […]

Non-Binary Uniforms

Conference notes that sex-specific uniform enforces unhelpful gender stereotypes by limiting personal and gender expression in the workplace. It also reinforces gendered expectations of behaviour within the workplace, such as who should take on the role of carer as opposed to leader. In a traditionally male dominated workplace, the effect is limiting for all workers. […]

Body Worn Video – The Right Equipment for the Job

The September 2020 Officer and Staff Safety Review and National Police Safety Survey undertaken by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing (CoP) was a comprehensive project to look at the risks associated with working in the police service and to crucially make bold recommendations to protect both those working in […]

Operation Hampshire

Policing has its inherent risks and police staff and officers face conflict and violence on a regular basis. Being assaulted at work is an operational risk but is not something that should be considered as acceptable or part of the job. Those working in the police service deserve, and have the right to full victim […]