Agenda for Change Partnership Working & Rogue Trusts

The introduction of Agenda for Change was supposed to see partnership working between UNISON and NHS Management. Whilst in many places this has worked to a degree, in many trusts “Partnership” in any meaningful sense has not existed. In some trusts management have tried to bypass partnership working as regards panels. There is clear evidence […]

NHS Pensions – Benefits Payable to Surviving Spouses of NHS Staff

Conference notes that the NHS pension scheme regulations currently allow married males employed in the NHS to leave their widow a pension based on length of service from 24 March 1972. However, conference notes with concern that married female employees, and now those who enter into civil partnerships, can only have their length of service […]

Public Sector duty on Gender

Conference notes that the Public Sector duties on gender will come into force in April 2007 as part of the wider Equalities legislation. The Gender Equality Duty will require service providers and public sector employers to design employment and services with the different needs of women and men in mind. As the largest employer of […]

Overseas Nurses Network

Conference notes with disappointment that no progress has been made on the Formation of Regional Overseas Nurses / Carers Network (conference Motion (73) 2005) similar to that of the Overseas Network by our brothers and sisters in Scottish UNISON. This is a missed opportunity to recruit into membership many thousands of overseas migrant workers employed […]

Branches involved in PFI meetings

Conference recognises that the meetings called to discuss PFI and privtisation issues have been well attended and useful to the branches concerned. We call on the Health Service Group Executive to give a commitment to organise these meetings as a regular fixture.

Lone Working

That this Conference congratulates UNISON Service Group on the work it is presently undertaking to ensure staff safety at work. Conference furthermore maintains that in areas where Patients/Clients/Residents are particularly vulnerable for example “Persons with Learning Difficulties” that UNISON opposes the move to “Lone Working” at Night. As this not only compromises the safety of […]

Primary Care Trusts

That this Conference congratulates UNISON National Officers, Regional Officers, and Branches in their continuing campaign to defend Primary Care Trusts and calls on the Health Service Group Executive to encourage a full multidisciplinary approach to practice based commissioning.

Marketisation of Health and Staff Co-ops

Conference opposes the break-up of the NHS and introduction of a health market involving private businesses, foundation trusts, charities and community interest companies (co-ops). Conference recognises that staff co-ops may appear attractive to certain groups of workers who believe that they can win market share against huge, well-resourced health companies. However, healthcare is not a […]

Agenda for Change Terms & Conditions Handbook

Conference notes that the Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions Handbook: ·had to be concluded by a pre-agreed deadline ·was not widely available to UNISON’s lay membership before the Agenda for Change ballot ·leaves around a hundred terms open to local negotiation rather than the nineteen or so originally envisaged ·is often unclearly-expressed or ambiguous […]

High Cost Area supplements: Step up the Campaign!

CONFERENCE notes the provision in the Agenda for Change agreement for the areas where High Cost Area Supplements are paid to be extended beyond their current geographical limits. Conference notes that there has been a rapid rise in the cost of living, and especially housing, in several areas, meaning that the take-home pay of workers […]

Protect Health Workers’ Freedom of Speech

Conference condemns recent attempts to gag workers’ rights to talk to the media about Trust budget cuts, e.g. by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. Conference believes that individuals have a right to raise concerns which are covered by the Public Interest Disclosure Act. Furthermore Trade Unions have collective freedom of speech concerning […]

NHS Cuts – National Action Required

Conference notes with grave concern the wave of cuts in NHS services over the last year, as a result of shortfalls in funding from Primary Care Trusts. The government claims that it has put millions of pounds into additional funding for the NHS, yet we have seen ward closures, job losses and reductions in essential […]

Spinal/Muscular Skeletal Disorders in Health Staff

This Conference recognises the advances made in Health & Safety with regards to manual handling and the advent of ‘non-handling trusts.’ However for many of our members the damage has already been done. It is far too common for health staff to suffer spinal and other muscular/skeletal disorders resulting in disability in later life and […]

Using the KSF to Promote Equality and Diversity

Conference notes the introduction of the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) which will apply to all NHS staff as part of the Agenda for Change process. Conference also notes that the KSF has equality and human rights as a core dimension. As a consequence all employees will be required to demonstrate a commitment to equality […]

National Blood Service Policy on Men who have sex with Men

Conference notes 1.The National Blood Service (NBS) collects, tests, processes, stores and issues 2.1 million blood donations yearly; 2.Potential donors are asked if they are member of a community at higher risk of contracting HIV/Aids – communities that include men who sleep with men, people who have had sex in Africa and intravenous drug users. […]