
Conference strongly believes it is now time for the international community to end the ten year war and sanctions against Iraq. Conference further notes that United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator, Hans Von Sponeck, has directly attributed over 350 civilian deaths and 1,000 civilian casualties to the United States and United Kingdom bombing of Iraq over the […]

War on Palestine

This Conference notes with grave concern that: 1)The Israeli Government has declared war against the Palestinian Authority. The situation inside the compound of Palestine is very disturbing not only for Palestine but also for the international communities; 2)There have been no medical and food supplies left and that there are still casualties that require urgent […]


Health Care Assistants and new Nurse Education Sch

NHS Care, its efficiency and staffing levels

Racism within NHS Health Trusts

Employment Protection for Lesbian and Gay Health W

Pay Claims for Members employed by Private Contrac

Non-Pay Review Body Pay

Positively Public

Increasing use of Rehabilitation Assistants

Management Costs

Organising in the Voluntary Sector

Pay Parity based on best practise

Racism in the NHS