Support for those suffereing Domestic Violence

Conference notes the rise in domestic violence; a staggering 1 million females were victims of domestic violence last year accounting for 1 in 5 of all assaults. It has long been understood that domestic violence tends to increase during difficult periods for society, such as recession, and in these austere times with cuts to police […]

Aspirational women in the workplace – the barriers women still face

Conference notes that women make up 51% of the population and are a major contributor to shaping and enriching our communities. The current Coalition Government cuts have had a huge impact on the public sector, where the majority of the workforce are women. As a result women members have been disproportionally hit on a number […]


For women in an abusive relationship, the work place is an important protective factor; it offers time away from the abuser; space for women to be themselves and valued for their skills and abilities; a source of income that provides some autonomy and independence; and communication with work colleagues that reduces isolation. The general perception […]


Conference notes that the people of Colombia have been subjected to neo-conservative governments for the last 20 years which have openly embraced all aspects of the free market with no restrictions on how these operate. In this context there are peace negotiations taking place in Havana between the Colombian Governments and FARC. The real likelihood […]


Conference deeply concerned at the improper use of Zero Hours contracts throughout the employment sectors. Employers are targeting workers via health and social care settings, education, hotel services and many more work areas, to use these contracts as a means of reducing costs and maximising profits. However, they are disproportionately affecting women workers and their […]


Conference remains alarmed at the continuing attacks by the Coalition Government on Health and Safety legislation by claiming that these important regulations amount to a burden on business without any credible evidence base. The 33% budget cut to the Health and Safety executive (HSE), and additional cuts to local authorities pose serious risk to enforcement […]

Education and Opportunity

In Teesside, which is south of the Northern Region, schools reported and had to deal with 359 racist incidents in the last academic year. In Middlesbrough there was 191 racist school based incidents alone. A recent survey by the VOICE newspaper showed that more than 80% of their readers claimed to have experienced racism when […]

Impact of Housing Benefits Cuts and Changes for Black Tenants

Conference notes that the cuts in Housing Benefit and the imposition of the Bedroom Tax are forcing many Black families into a position of double jeopardy. Especially where it is alleged that there is under occupation in social housing homes. Black households are more likely to be housed in social housing and likely to be […]

Mental health issues for Black workers

Conference notes: a)The findings of the 2005 “Count Me In” census in England and the following censuses that people from Black Caribbean, Black African and other Black backgrounds are over represented in psychiatric care. b)The report by Care Quality Commission published in 2010 that found that 23% of mental health inpatients were from Black communities […]

Extending the Definition of Hate Crime

Conference notes with alarm that there has been a significant drop in the reporting of Hate Crime to the relevant authorities in the last few years. Conference also notes that there has been an escalating attack on Mosques, Muslim shops, Muslim people and their families, yet this is not covered in the legislation as a […]

Join the Race Equality and Social Justice Campaign for a Living Wage

The coalitions government’s ongoing austerity measures, cuts to jobs and public services, pay freezes in the public sector, privatisation, low pay, lack of socially affordable housing, the bedroom tax, rent increases, and zero hour contracts are all key elements in the current drastic reduction of living standards experienced by Black workers and Black communities since […]

NMC criteria for overseas nurses

Many of our fellow migrant workers, who are registered nurses in their own country, have been working here as care assistants because they did not obtain the results required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for their English (IELTS) test (i.e. 7 in each section). The results required are of a very high standard– […]

Wellbeing, Health and Safety in the Workplace

Conference notes the Con Dem Coalition’s welfare reforms agenda has forced public services and the voluntary sector to significantly reduce their workforce in the name of efficiency savings. Presently there is insufficient information to show the disproportionate impact on black workers and their communities. Alongside this, there is evidence from many workplaces showing that training […]

Organising the Black vote

The results from the 2011 Census showed that in England and Wales approximately 14% of the population identified as non white. This is a rise from the 2001 Census figure of 7.9%. The Census results also revealed the greater dispersal of Black people across the UK. This changing demographic across the UK, coupled with a […]

End Violence Against Black Women

Black women are oppressed by both racism and sexism, so face a double strand of oppression in society as a whole. Violence against women and girls is the most widespread form of abuse in the world. Globally, one in three women will be raped or beaten in their lifetime. Statistics reveal the levels of violence […]