Discrimination in the Workplace

Conference notes the benefits that Learning and Development in UNISON provides to our members. It is also noted that the assistance, advice and guidance provided by Regions and Branches is counter to and in some cases in the absence of any learning and development opportunities provided by employers. Conference recognizes that the experience of many […]

Racism Isn’t Being Tackled

Conference notes, according to research carried out by Durham, Northumbria and Teesside universities, Police forces in the North East are failing in their duty to tackle racism in the region. The report explores issues relating to the increasing black and ethnic minority populations in the region and highlights racism in both urban and rural parts […]

Regional Race Action Plans

Conference notes that each UNISON Region has its own Regional Race Action Plan. The purpose of this is to keep aspects of each region’s race issues, at the forefront of UNISON’s structures, to affect change, increase participation from members and be a beacon to attract other people to join and remain with UNISON. After making […]

Stop the Deportation of Overseas Students from the London Metropolitan University

Conference is appalled at the Coalition Government’s attack on international students with a move to deport more than 2,600 students currently studying at London Metropolitan University. The University’s licence to teach and recruit students from outside of the European Union was revoked on 29th August 2012, which means that these students most of which are […]

Out Of Many We Are One – Hope for Real Independance and LGBT Equality in Jamaica

Conference welcomes the election of Portia Simpson Miller as the first woman prime minister of Jamaica and celebrates the 50th Year of Jamaican Independence. Conference notes that Jamaica’s last prime minister had said he would not allow any homosexuals to serve in his cabinet. But Portia Simpson Miller said in a national TV debate in […]

Stop cuts to the Equality and Human Rights Commission

Conference is deeply concerned about the Coalition Government’s plan to drastically cut the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) budget and staffing by 2015. Conference believes that these cuts represent an attack on equalities and amount to bringing an end to the EHRC as we know it and stripping it of most of its powers. […]

Effect of Government’s Austerity Measures on Black People

Conference deplores the devastating impact the Government’s austerity measures are having on Black communities and the most vulnerable groups in the society. Conference notes with concern the severity of this impact on people from the Black community. Research from the Institute for Public Policy and Research shows that unemployment levels for young Black people (age […]

Black Men and Prostrate Cancer

Conference is alarmed that figures show that Black men living in England have a three times higher risk of prostate cancer than white men. A study of all cases in London and Bristol has also found that Black men also tend to be diagnosed five years younger. Research has found that there are very few […]

Black Members Representation at UNISON Conferences

Conference is concerned about the lack of visibility and representation of Black members at the National Delegate Conference and Service Group Conferences. Each year delegates and visitors are required to complete the proportionality and fair representation forms at conference. However, the information does not appear to filter down to regions and branches with regards to […]

Fighting the Far Right

Conference recognises that times of austerity prove a fertile breeding ground for far right rhetoric and feelings. High unemployment and rising costs creates opportunities for the far right to scapegoat minority groups. The rise of the English Defence League and her sister organisations, the Scottish and Welsh Defence Leagues (SDL and WDL) is disheartening and […]

Defining “Black”

Conference understands that UNISON has always used the term “Black” as an inclusive and political term. However, it is also clear that many members do not understand why it is used – particularly when their employer and public bodies may use the term BME. Conference calls on the NBMC to agree a concise definition and […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Conference notes the motions carried at 2009 Black Members’ Conference regarding raising the profile of Black activists and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the union. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps to develop their leadership skills and take up positions of […]

Housing Benefit, Welfare Reform and BME Communities

Conference notes that the Tory Led Coalition is seeking to make major changes to the Welfare Benefit system and that these will have a direct and devastating impact on Black communities. The key changes are:- a. There will be a reduction in the amount of housing benefit awarded to social housing tenants of working age […]

What next for Equality and Human Rights?

Following the pathetic attempt at consultation employed by the Tory Led UK Government on the future of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) this year, it appears that the fate of the EHRC was already in the balance and any support for a National organization that leads on Equality, Diversity, Discrimination and Human Rights […]

Changes in Employment Law

In the light of George Osborne’s speech at the Tory Party Conference 2011 and subsequent proposals made by the Tory led Government regarding fees for Tribunals, Conference notes the particular damage any rise in fees will have for Race Discrimination cases. Conference condemns the Tories claim that these cases are ‘vexatious’ and their attempts to […]