Agenda for Change

This Health Conference notes that as expected the indications from the Early Implementers is that the proposals on unsociable hours, in particular, but not only, for low paid workers, will create huge difficulties for the health service. Conference therefore urges the national negotiators as a major priority to renegotiate on the basis of obtaining two […]

Regulation of Healthcare Assistants

We call on the Government as a matter of urgency to publish its consultation on an effective system of regulation for Healthcare Assistants, which recognises the essential contribution they make to patient care. This important issue is not being prioritised sufficiently by ministers. The lack of such proposals does nothing to ensure patient or client […]

Pay Negotiation and the decision-making process

This Conference reaffirms UNISON’s aim of working “To Improve the pay and conditions of members and promote their interests”, and recognises that our involvement in reaching agreements on behalf of members is legally empowered through individual contracts of employment. It is noted that contracts based on, or “mirroring” nationally determined pay and conditions, invariably refer […]

Privatisation of the NHS – Diagnostic Treatment Centres

Conference, concerned at the gradual privatisation of the NHS, believes that the development of Private Diagnostic and Treatment Centres (DTC’s) in particular could have a number of significant disadvantages for the NHS overall and for staff working in DTC’s and in adjoining Trusts. a)many of the companies operating these centres are unproved and little evidence […]

Healthcare Assistants – An essential part of the Team

Conference congratulates and acknowledges the ground breaking work undertaken by the Nursing Sector and Service Group Executive to facilitate the first national conference of Healthcare Assistants. It is vital that UNISON as the largest trade union and the natural home for Healthcare Assistants continues to recognise and highlight the vital contribution that Healthcare Assistants make […]

Access to Training and Development

The Ancillary Sector membership has a long history of under investment by managers in the NHS; providing learning and training opportunities to ancillary staff has never been a priority. It is often viewed as unnecessary by some employers or treated in a slipshod and half-hearted fashion by others who under value ancillary staff and their […]

Nurse Staffing Levels

Conference recognises that Health Service Trusts are experiencing difficulty in recruiting and retaining Registered Nurses and Auxiliary Staff and increasingly depend on Bank and Agency Nursing staff to provide cover. Furthermore Conference recognises that there is not an agreed National standard for nurse staffing levels with the exception of areas which require specialist practice. Conference […]

Agenda for Change

This Conference expresses its grave concern regarding the lack of information emanating from the Early Implementer Pilot Sites and UNISON’s consequent inability to monitor our areas of major concern, including:- ·Unsocial hours payments · ·Progression through “gateways” · ·Protection arrangements · ·Disadvantaged groups, e.g. those whose working hours will be increased · Conference therefore seeks […]

Electronic Speed Traps – Effect on Emergency Vehicles

Conference notes with concern the effect on the ambulance service and other emergency services of the increasing use by local authorities of electronic speed traps. Such is the effect of these machines that ambulance services now employ scarce resources simply to deal with the administration of the paperwork generated when ambulances that are answering emergency […]

Ambulance Technicians

Most health professions have training and education programmes that lead to a single qualification and professional title. However, in the ambulance service the basic training for an emergency care practitioner qualifies you for the post of Ambulance Technician. To become a registered practitioner in emergency care and to use the title of Paramedic, authorized Technicians […]


This conference calls upon the SGE to use all avenues open to it to ensure that NHS trusts harmonise funding for training in the workplace between all professions and occupations in the NHS. This is essential if the NHS is to ensure suitably qualified staff will be available in the future in all occupational groups. […]

Health Professions Council

Conference notes with increasing concern the problems associated with the HPC processing applications for placement or renewal on its register. The high incidence of delays, apparent non-receipt or misplacement of applications and then inability to cope with resulting inquiries from occupational therapists as their registration/renewal date approached last November is of particular concern. Conference notes […]

Foundation Hosptials and Women

This conference deplores the creation of Foundation Hospitals, and is particularly saddened this initiative has been introduced by a Labour Government. Almost 80% of NHS staff are women, mainly employed in low paid jobs. Foundation hospitals will be able to offer their own pay and conditions to their staff, creating a two-tier workforce in the […]

Agenda for Change – NHS Staff Council – a flawed system

Conference notes with concern that hundreds of thousands of members of UNISON would be hugely under represented on the proposed Agenda for Change NHS Staff Council. We note that: 1.The new Agenda for Change NHS Staff Council is currently in shadow form; 2.On this body UNISON members have just 7 out of a total 34 […]