V-Day Until the Violence Stops

V-Day is an international movement to stop violence against women and children. It has proclaimed Valentine’s Day as V-Day until the violence stops. V-Day raises funds and awareness for anti-violence charities throughout the world through its benefit performances of the Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler’s hilarious eye-opening tour of the last frontier, the forbidden zone at […]

Self Harm

Conference welcomes the work done regarding Work Life Balance, however we believe issues affecting young women still need to be addressed. Many young women struggle to cope with the pressures of work and also family life. Stress affects people in many different ways. Some young women may turn to drink, drugs or even self harm. […]

Facility Time

Conference notes with concern that it is impossible, or only possible at a very high personal cost, for women to organise in UNISON without adequate paid facility time. Conference recognises that women are the primary care providers and should not be forced to use their valuable leave to conduct UNISON activities. Many branch facility time […]

Body Mapping

Conference notes that this is a technique which can identify health and safety problems in the workplace that might not otherwise be raised. It is especially useful for highlighting the existence of aches, pains and the onset of chronic conditions typically associated with the types of work undertaken by women. Conference instructs the National Women’s […]

Handling Discrimination

Conference recognises that discrimination continues to affect many members and groups throughout UNISON. However, Conference is concerned at the extent of discrimination faced by many women members in particular. Women have brought to our attention many worrying stories about UNISON’s failure to deal adequately or appropriately with their discrimination at branch and regional level, and […]

Dependant Care Costs Form

This Conference deplores the new procedure for claiming costs for dependant care, it is also dismayed over the fact that the National Women’s Committee appear to have supported the issuing of a separate form for such costs. Conference believes that this is a blatant act of discrimination towards members who claim for dependant care costs, […]

Tax on Sanitary Protection

These days menstruation can start from as early as 11 years and last well until the mid-fifties. For most women menstruation is natural and is the process which we must endure in order to keep humanity alive ensuring civilisation continues. Yet the question has to be asked “If it is the fundamental role of women […]

Listening to Women

Conference deplores the growing evidence of widespread islamaphobia in the UK and elsewhere. Conference notes that part of this distorted world view is the portrayal of Muslim women as passive victims. This narrow stereotype denies the diversity of Muslim women and ignores the long tradition of Muslim women’s organisation. Conference welcomes the example of the […]

Persecution on Grounds of Gender, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Conference deplores the: 1)Widespread persecution of women on grounds of gender, gender identity and sexual orientation. 2)Criminalisation and official mistreatment of lesbian, bisexual and transgender (lbt) women in many countries. 3)United Kingdom Government’s failure to take this up with these countries. 4)Restrictive definitions of ‘family’ under immigration and asylum law. 5)Demonising and stigmatising of immigrants […]


Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue similar to the womb lining (endometrium) is found outside the uterus. It is estimated that 10% of women of childbearing age have endometriosis, irrespective of age or race. Nobody knows how it is caused, but for those who suffer from the condition symptoms can include: 1)Pelvic pain; 2)Painful […]

Working Families Tax Credit

This Conference welcomes government measures to increase the incomes of working families. This Conference also welcomes the National Guide produced in conjunction with the Daycare Trust, the national childcare charity for UNISON members to find out about the Working Families Tax Credit scheme. This Conference calls upon the National Women’s Committee to develop easy to […]

Breast Cancer and the Contraceptive Pill

The Pill has made it possible for women to decide when and how many children they will give birth to – something which has revolutionised women’s lives and is an important issue in women’s rights. Taking the Contraceptive Pill at any stage in a woman’s life increases the chance of breast cancer according to new […]

Resourcing and Facilitating Women Activisits

Conference is pleased to see that women still comprise two thirds of the membership of UNISON and that women continue to be recruited into the union in ever increasing numbers. Conference is concerned that every support should be given to women to allow them to take an active role within the union as stewards and […]

Information on Hormone Replacement Therapy

There has been a lot of publicity recently concerning the safety of hormone replacement therapy. This will have caused great concern to many women who use hormone replacement therapy and general confusion about the benefits/dangers of the long term use. This Conference instructs the National Women’s Committee to produce a publication covering hormone replacement therapy […]

Equality in the Judicial System

The Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Women’s Committee is very concerned at the continuing disparity in the sentencing passed on men who murder their partners and women who kill their partners in the process of defending themselves against sustained domestic violence/abuse. This continuing discriminatory practice and misunderstanding of the effect that long term domestic violence has […]