Devolution and the Impact on our Local Government

Composite C Devolution and the Impact on our Local Government Members Conference notes the developing debate on constitutional change within the nations and regions of the United Kingdom, particularly Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, particularly the further devolution of powers in Wales and the independence referendum in Scotland. Conference notes the union’s ‘Devolution Protocol for […]

COMP C – Equal Marriage

Three in five people of faith in Britain support equal marriage! Stonewall’s five yearly polling of public attitudes shows that more that 80% of British adults under fifty now support the proposal. Civil partnerships are not enough, and as such treat us differently from everyone else. This is discrimination. You should not have to tick […]

Police and Crime Commissioners

Conference recognises that the election of Police and Crime Commissioners in November this year will fundamentally change the landscape of policing and potentially a wide range of other justice services in the future. UNISON was opposed to the concept of Police and Crime Commissioners, because we did not believe that a single elected politician could […]

Stop Privitisation

West Midlands and Surrey Police under guidance from the Home Office have advertised £1.5 billion contracts to run Police Services in both forces. The contracts could lead to the privatisation of crime investigation, forensics, 999 call handling, custody and detention and a wide range of police support services. Most other forces in England and Wales […]

Consultation on LGPS Proposals

This Conference welcomes the completion of the lengthy negotiations on the future of the LGPS and the opportunity for members to now individually and collectively determine their view on the proposals. Conference endorses the following position agreed by the LG Service Group Executive on 31st May 2012: “This SGE shares the frustration over delays in […]

LGPS 2014 Examples

Conference notes that proposals for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) were released on 31 May 2012. Conference further notes that the factsheet “LGPS 2014 – Examples”, published on UNISON’s website on 31 May uses different assumptions for price and earnings growth than those used in the UNISON pensions calculator publicised in protect our pensions […]