Lack of Recruitment of Disabled Ethnic Minorities Within Police Staffs

This Conference is concerned that Disabled ethnic minority workers experience double disadvantage because of failures in recruitment processes within Police Staffs. Whilst there is a drive to recruit ethnic minorities within the police, there is no focus on targeting disabled ethnic minority staff. Many forces appear to have taken no initiatives to improve the employment […]

Taxation of Allowances

This Conference notes with dissatisfaction the manner in which staff who are relocated at the behest of management have to pay tax on any relocation allowance. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to engage in meaningful dialogue with the PSSC in order to defray taxes that may be incurred in these circumstances.

NOP Survey Action Plan

Conference welcomes the publication of the first ever national attitude survey of UNISON police staff members. UNISON now has a more accurate picture of the way in which police staff members are working, how they feel about their jobs and what they want UNISON to achieve on their behalf. Conference notes with concern the following […]

Schedule D.26 Disciplinary Procedures

Delete sub-paragraph D.26(3). Insert new sub-paragraph D.26(3): “3)A member may appeal upon any or all of the following grounds: (a)that the provisions of Rule I and Schedule D were not complied with at or before the original hearing, and/or; (b)that the Committee’s decision to find a charge or charges proven was unreasonable, and/or; (c)the sanction […]

Cochlear Implants

UNISON’s policy has long established the union’s support for the Social Model of Disability. The National Disabled Members Committee (NDMC) has been instrumental in advising the union about how to promote the rehabilitation of the environment and eliminate other barriers that deny disabled people civil rights rather than promote the rehabilitation of the disabled person […]

Fair Representation in Conference Delegations

Conference notes that this is the third year in which the National Executive Council exercising its powers under Rule D.1.3 has required that: 1)branches with three or more conference delegates send at least one low paid delegate and that 2)branches with four or more conference delegates send at least one young delegate. Conference applauds the […]

Prostate Cancer

Conference is concerned about the increase in prostate cancer every year and demands that prostate screening should be made available to men of all ages and that representations be made through all appropriate channels as a matter of urgency. In addition UNISON should arrange for appropriate materials to be distributed to UNISON branches to highlight […]

Future Anti-Discrimination Legislation for Disabled People

Conference notes with concern the failure of the Government to deliver its commitment to full comprehensive civil rights for disabled people in the UK. Conference is further alarmed by the Government’s apparent intention to proceed with the establishment of a single equalities commission with accompanying single equality legislation, despite severe misgivings on the part of […]

Salary Pay Cards

Conference notes that the recent pay cards issued after the pay rise did not include the spinal column numbers. They are necessary to enable staff to understand the relationship between their salary, spinal column and local banding. Conference also notes the intention of the PSSC Trade Union Side to completely renumber the PSSC pay spine […]

Change In Health and Safety Responsibities

Conference notes that section 95 of the Police Reform Act has moved the overall responsibilities for Health and Safety from Chief Constables to Police Authorities. This issue will have a major impact on all Police Authorities in England and Wales. It is not clear how this change in arrangements should be dealt with from a […]

The European Union

Conference notes the grievous consequences of the European Union’s Stability Pact and the Maastricht Treaty convergence terms for unemployment, reduced public spending and deepening economic recession across the Eurozone, and congratulates the National Executive Council for its leading role in the developing labour movement campaign against British membership of the euro. Conference also notes the […]

Homophobic Harassment

Conference notes that: 1)harassment of lesbian and gay workers in the police service continues to be a major problem; 2)one tactic is use of the media to smear lesbian and gay workers, such as happened with Commander Brian Paddick; 3)often local papers and radio stations run such stories or carry letters attacking the dignity of […]

Asylum Seekers’ Rights

Conference notes: 1)a media-orchestrated campaign to promote hostility against asylum seekers by linking refugees and immigrants with terrorism, criminality and scrounging on the benefits system; 2)the racially motivated murders of three asylum seekers in the past two years; 3)Tory Party proposals to lock up all new asylum applicants on national security grounds, pending checks on […]

Regional Cost of Living Supplement

National Delegate Conference reaffirms UNISON’s support for equity of access to high quality public services for all citizens. In particular we oppose any postcode lottery in service provision, which systematically disadvantages citizens in particular geographical areas. Likewise UNISON must oppose any postcode lottery in the living standards of public servants in general and UNISON members […]

Bargaining for Better Green Staff Travel

Conference recognises the importance of reducing road congestion, environmental pollution and the adverse health impacts that are caused to members and the community from Britain’s over-reliance on private transport. Conference supports key measures, such as pollution and car reduction targets and local transport planning, at national and local government levels in response to international agreements […]