The Disability Discrimination Act

Conference notes that the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) states that one in five of the population has a disability. A greater number of people are affected by disability by virtue of their role as a worker with disabled people or as a carer. As the population and workforce profiles age, it is likely that even […]

Supporting Equality and Diversity

Conference welcomes the work done by UNISON’s branches, regions and at national level to promote equal opportunities in employment, wider society and our own organisation. In particular, Conference applauds UNISON’s initiative regarding implementation of the Stephen Lawrence report and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act, our lead in the campaign against racism, and recent advice and […]

Asylum Seekers

Conference notes that the government is determined to introduce still another round of asylum/immigration legislation that will further restrict refugee rights, having already announced dramatic cuts in legal aid for asylum cases. Features of the forthcoming legislation will include: 1)added restrictions on the right to appeal negative decisions, with little or no access to higher […]

Young Lesbians and Gay Men – The Need for a National Strategy

Conference notes that young lesbians and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They are also more likely to succeed, so they account for over half of actual youth suicide in the UK. Conference therefore welcomes the repeal of Section 28 as the single most effective step to […]

The Management of Health and Safety Regulations to Include Stress

We call upon Conference to adopt this motion to press for the inclusion of the recognition of stress to be included in regulation 3(1)(a) of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The main problems are that under the current legislation there are no laws that recognise work-related stress as an illness. […]

Employment Rights in the UK

Conference welcomes the government’s employment rights bill 2003 but believes that it does not go far enough, leaving workers in Britain with less protection than those employed in the rest of Europe. We welcome those provisions that build on the Employment Rights Act of 1999, improving the process of recognition and establishing important and consultation […]

Fair Play For Front Line Workers

Conference notes with concern: 1)the number of our low paid members in front line public service jobs who have their employment terminated on the grounds of incapacity; 2)that conditions affecting those members, such as vibration white finger, cervical spondylitis, carpel tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow are invariably caused by the nature of the job involving […]

Elderly Persons’ Homes

Conference notes with concern the increasing number of local authority elderly person’s homes which have transferred with the transfer to private companies. Conference believes that a well-funded and accountable local authority provision of this service is essential to the establishment and maintenance of high standards across all providers of this service. Conference also notes that […]

Centralisation of Bus Management

Conference notes with concern the trend towards the centralisation of ‘white collar’ jobs in the largest of the multi-national bus companies such as Firstgroup, Stagecoach and Arriva. Conference regards these trends as predictable consequences of the companies’ growth and diversification over the last ten years or so. The creation of centralised financial services and the […]