Trans rights and the Labour Party

Conference notes that comments made by Keir Starmer on 28 October in a Mumsnet interview regarding trans youth healthcare have caused significant concern In response to a question from a Mumsnet user about the interim report by Dr Hilary Cass on the provision of trans youth healthcare, Starmer focussed on the idea of consent, saying: […]

Tory chaos – subject to change

Conference they say a week in politics is a long time but over the last week, not mention month, the government has been in total chaos and made the UK a laughing stock. But for disabled people and our Disabled Members none of this is funny. It seemed that every time the now former Prime […]


Conference welcomes the United Kingdom’s (UK) Conservative government’s decision not to proceed with replacement of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) with a Bill of Rights Bill. However, Conference is not fooled and is well aware of the Conservative’s intention either to repeal the HRA or even withdraw from the European Convention of Human Rights […]

Solidarity with Ghana’s LGBT+ community

Conference notes that for many years Ghana’s government has been extremely hostile to LGBT+ people. Currently same-sex sexual activity is prohibited under the Criminal Code 1960, which criminalises acts of ‘unnatural carnal knowledge’. This provision carries a maximum penalty of three years’ imprisonment. Only men are criminalised under this law. The law was inherited from […]


Conference notes that UNISON national LGBT+ committee has produced resources to support the recruitment of LGBT+ members and development of LGBT+ activists. These include ‘Putting politics back into Pride – a UNISON practical guide to recruiting and organising’, ‘Digital organising for LGBT+ equality guide’ and bargaining factsheets to support negotiations with employers for our LGBT+ […]


Conference notes that, during 2022, UNISON’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus (LGBT+) self-organised group (SOG) succeeded in raising the issue of trans equality widely within the union by submitting substantially similar motions to several UNISON conferences. Their opportunity to do so is based on UNISON rules D1.10.4, D3.4.10 and D5.7.5 which entitle each SOG […]

Engagement & Retention of active Young Members Motion

Conference notes that engagement and retention of Young Members can be challenging- despite the fact there is approximately 63,000 Young Members in UNISON. Young Members are often viewed as the future of our Union and can be overlooked at times- especially in regards to taking on other roles within the Union. Conference notes that this […]


This conference notes we are all likely to experience the difficult and stressful experience of losing a loved one. Conference recognises some of us may be fortunate in our workplaces to be offered paid bereavement leave, whereas many young workers may not be so lucky. Some young workers may need to take unpaid leave or […]

Adapting to new ways of working after the Covid-19 pandemic

Conference notes that the way we work has changed since the pandemic, workplaces which never had a flexible working policy have now introduced this in many areas and this has been popular with many young members and can allow for a better work-life balance. It is important that employers adapt to the changing workforce and […]

Raising the Age Limit for Young Members

Conference notes that other unions, including Unite, RMT, and GMB, define young members as any member aged 30 or under. These unions have increased the age limit for their young members to reflect both the changing perceptions and realities of being a young worker in the 21st Century. Conference also notes that the average age […]

Protected Facility Time for Young Members’ Officers

Conference notes with concern a shortage of young members and activists in UNISON. Young members represent just 5% of the whole UNISON membership and only 2% of activists. Conference also notes that the average age of a UNISON activist is 48 years old. With only a small number of young activists and an aging activist […]

Supporting transgender and non-binary young members

Conference, we welcome the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender plus (LGBT+) national committee’s campaign on transgender (trans) equality and the passing of the Trans Equality – Louder and Prouder motion at this year’s National Delegate Conference. We can be proud that our trade union is leading the labour movement in creating inclusive workplaces for trans and […]

Regions to send young members to Cuba and affiliate their branches to Cuba Solidarity

As trade unionists, we shouldn’t just concern ourselves with the struggle in our workplaces but the struggle internationally. It is vital that we speak out and support campaigns that call to end the illegal blockade on Cuba that makes their lives unimaginably difficult; an end to the US occupation of Cuban Land; to defend the […]

Organising and recruiting young Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender plus members

Conference, we welcome the establishment of the young Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) campaign by the national LGBT+ committee. This campaign will help support and develop young LGBT+ members where young members continue to be underrepresented as stewards, representatives, and officials. This is especially needed as there are currently no young members on […]

UNISON young members say no to poverty pay!

Young members in UNISON tend to make up some of the lowest paid workers, often in junior or apprenticeship positions. They are on the sharpest edge of the mounting cost of living crisis that will see many workers choosing between heating and eating this winter. The Trade Union Congress (TUC) notes that the average annual […]