Conference believes that one of the barriers experienced by disabled workers can be the intersection of age discrimination and disability discrimination. For example, younger and older workers with similar impairments may be treated differently by their employers due to age-related perceptions about their physical or mental capacities. This can lead to bullying, or employers failing […]

Accessible Domestic Abuse Services

Conference notes that disabled women are more likely to be subjected to domestic abuse than non-disabled women. Domestic abuse can include physical, sexual or emotional abuse – as well as the withdrawal of care from disabled women who require it and threats to ‘out’ LGBT+ women to their friends and families. According to the Women’s […]

Awareness of Access To Work

Access to Work aims to support disabled people start or stay in work, providing financial and practical support. We believe awareness of this programme is lacking amongst some members, especially if you’re new to disability, meaning our members may not be getting the support they need to stay in work and reach their potential. Conference […]

Fair representation of Black people in the recruitment process

In 2009, the Department for Work and Pensions embarked on an experiment to understand the scarcity of non-white faces in top managerial posts in UK organisations. 2,000 fake job applications were created in response to 1,000 real vacancies across multiple sectors, professions and pay grades. Similar CVs – one with a “traditional Anglo-Saxon” name and […]


Conference, we are deeply disturbed by the rise in transphobia towards trans women during and following the recent consultation regarding the Gender Recognition Act (GRA). Whilst we recognise everyone is entitled to their own view, hate must not infiltrate our union. Conference welcomes the UNISON stance of supporting self-identification, but much work is still needed […]

Disabled Black Workers and the Disciplinary Process

Conference notes that Disabled Black workers are disproportionately targeted when it comes to disciplinary processes, which is often linked to racism and discrimination as well as a lack of understanding and support for the barriers faced by disabled people, including those with non-visible/non-apparent disabilities. Black disabled people are also over-represented when it comes to capability […]

Black members and workplace mental health

Conference notes that employers are failing in their duty of care towards all staff with mental health issues, and this has a particular effect on Black Workers. Recent UNISON research found that 25 percent of local government workers in Scotland had experienced mental health issues at work, and the figure for Black Workers was 50% […]