The current proposals by the government and broadcasting agencies will see the ending of all analogue broadcasting in this country between 2006 and 2010 – digital TV will be imposed upon the whole population by 2012 at the latest. There is considerable concern that this may leave many elderly retired persons either with poor services […]


Conference recognises that ageing brings about the natural need for more optical and dental care. The costs of these essential services are constantly rising whilst pension increases lag well behind. Furthermore, dental care on the NHS is hardly available. More than five million pensioners are now subject to the means test for help to purchase […]


Conference considers that the present cost of utilities – electricity, gas and water charges, are disproportionate for pensioners whose income is limited. Conference believes that the best way to alleviate the effect of these charges upon pensioners is to fully restore the value of the state pension and the restoration of the earnings link to […]

Amnesty for Illegal Workers to End Exploitation

Conference notes: 1)there are many thousands of paperless workers out there, without whose work the economy would grind to a standstill; 2)paperless workers are the invisible engine room of twilight London. No Londoner can easily escape involvement in this exploitation. Paperless workers serve us meals in restaurants, clean our hospitals, our hotels, streets and tube […]

Elder Abuse

A House of Commons healthcare committee recently reported on the alarming prevalence of elder abuse. The report found that as many as half a million elderly people may be being abused. Elder abuse may take the form of sexual, physical and financial abuse, neglect and over-medication. Despite the extent of this problem, many people are […]

National Pensioners’ Convention

The National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) was formed in 1979 to act as the umbrella organisation of the pensioners’ movement throughout the country. Affiliated groups include many national bodies and federations, associations of retired trade unionists, as well as hundreds of local and regional pensioner campaign groups. The NPC’s main objective is to promote the welfare […]

Charter for Public Transport

UNISON retired members have long recognised the need for affordable and efficient public transport for older people. Conference welcomes the launch of UNISON’s charter for public transport. It stresses the need to re-regulate services to produce improvements and highlights the failure of privatisation with bus fares rising faster than inflation and faster than motoring costs. […]

Retired Members’ Objectives for Labour Link

Following the election of a Labour government for a third term, Conference requests that the National Retired Members’ Committee work with UNISON Labour Link as appropriate to promote the following objectives: 1)restoration of the link between pensions and earnings; 2)personal care to be included in long term care of the elderly; 3)free concessionary travel for […]

Patients’ Forums

Conference will be aware that community health councils have been replaced with various types of patients forums designed to give people a say in the way in which their local hospital provides services. But too often the voice of older people is not heard and their views and needs not taken into account adequately. Therefore […]

Campaign Against Government Increases for Life Long Learning Charge

Conference notes the increases in charges to attend classes for Lifelong Learning being proposed by the government. This will affect people on low pay and fixed incomes, especially pensioners. Any reduction in class attendance will result in class closures to the detriment of the students who attend for both academic, cultural and social stimulus. There […]

Personal and/or Nursing Care

Conference believes that the distinction between nursing and personal care should be ended. It is completely unacceptable to charge old and/or disabled people for essential and needed personal care. Good quality personal and nursing care should be provided on the basis of need, free and without means-testing. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to […]

European Constitution

Conference welcomes the outcome of the French and Dutch referenda on the European Union Constitution and following the decision on Friday 17 June of EU leaders to defer ratification, Conference believes that within the UK, the government should now regard the treaty as finished business and consign its contents to history. Conference believes that trade […]

Meals on Wheels Changes

Conference notes with regret that some councils/social services are to stop daily deliveries of meals on wheels to senior citizens and vulnerable members of our communities. The service is to be replaced by a weekly delivery of frozen food packs. It is also proposed that anyone who does not have a microwave oven or freezer […]


Conference agrees that with £25 billion surplus in the National Insurance Fund that it is no longer a question of money but the lack of political will on the part of government. Taking into consideration the support received for the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) Manifesto in the run up to the general election and the […]

Travel Insurance – Age Discrimination

Conference notes the general practice of the travel insurance industry to impose extra premiums on the simple fact that the traveller is of pensionable age. In view of the European Union’s Directive on Ageism, due to be implemented in October 2006, Conference requests the National Executive Council to conduct a campaign in conjunction with other […]