Media Attacks on Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)

This Conference notes with extreme concern: ·On 7 October the Sunday Express published the names and photographs of the two Greater Manchester Police PCSOs who were on duty at the time of the tragic drowning of a young boy. ·Despite the statement issued by Great Manchester Police supporting the PCSOs conduct, and the Coroner’s verdict, […]

Recent publicity on Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)

The last few weeks have once again seen adverse publicity surrounding the role of PCSOs. The way that the media portray PCSOs is nothing short of appalling. This inaccurate reporting is once again fuelled by the Police Federation. Again it appears that the truth is not allowed to get in the way of a story. […]


The Government included in the 2006 budget the introduction of free local bus travel for pensioners and disabled persons in April 2006 and free nationwide bus travel in April 2008. The implementation of the free local bus travel in April 2006 has not been consistent. Local schemes have been implemented but with many anomalies and […]

Police Staff Pay Claim 2007

Conference notes with concern the failure of the employers’ side of the Police Staff Council (PSC) to engage in further talks with the trade union side. The meeting of the 5th October 2007 was cancelled stating “a need to consider pay movements elsewhere in the public sector”. The pay award was due on 1st September […]

Volunteer Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)

The interim Flanagan report makes recommendations for the introduction of volunteer PCSO. Conference is committed to the principle that jobs and tasks within the police service be undertaken by paid employees and where this is not possible, volunteers do not substitute or undertake the work of paid employees. The recommendation to introduce volunteer PCSO is […]

Coordination of Pay Campaigns

Conference is deeply angry over the government’s totally unjust 2% public sector pay limit, condemning low paid public sector workers to poverty pay and notes the: 1)decision of the Local Government Conference on the 18th June and of the Local Government NJC Committee rejecting the employers insulting 2% offer or any other received by the […]


This Conference rejects the Government’s stated 2% public sector pay limit which would mean an overall reduction in our members’ earnings and standard of living, while private sector increases are running at 4.5%. With pressure from the Chancellor to keep public sector settlements close to the consumer price index (CPI), the key themes for public […]


Conference is seeking standardisation of annual leave entitlements. All Forces currently have different agreements and with the introduction of PCSOs and the possibility of them being covered by National agreements, which will include annual leave, it is possible that this will result in a 2 tier or inequitable annual leave system amongst Police Staff. We […]


Conference notes attempts by the employers side of the PSC Scotland to introduce a code of Ethical Practice within the Scottish Police Service. Conference opposes the introduction of any code of Ethical Practice in Scotland that intrudes upon the private lives of UNISON members, their families or friends.


This Conference is concerned at the increasing prevalence for Police Forces to implement the right to withdraw Self-Certification under Absence Management, Capability and Discipline Policies and Procedures. Police Forces either withdraw the employee’s right to Self Certify or demand a GP’s certificate during the first seven days of absence to confirm that the employee is […]


Conference applauds a pathway of Workforce Modernisation that gives extra powers, roles and responsibilities to Police Staff. However, there is no Training or Awareness Course available to UNISON activists on the methodologies used to bring about Workforce Modernisation. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group Executive to: ·Recognise that Police Staff need to be trained and […]


This Conference accept the Police Staff Service Group Executive Annual Report.

International Links

Conference recognises the outstanding role UNISON plays in the international trade union movement. UNISON recognises that Britain’s economy and political system are interdependent with Europe and the rest of the world, and that it is vital that UNISON works with sister trade unions in other countries and through key international organisations to promote and protect […]

The Rise of Fascism

Conference recognises that many retired members will know from their own personal experience the dangers of fascism. Conference notes that the British National Party (BNP) is organising in the West Midlands, East London and in other areas across the country in an attempt to have at least one BNP candidate elected at the next General […]

Recruitment of Retired Members

Conference notes that regions and branches monitor their membership figures for working members on a regular basis in order to inform an ongoing recruitment campaign. However, there is no such process in place for retired members. Conference therefore calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to: 1)carry out an audit of the total number of […]