Housing for older people

Conference recognises present policies do not meet the needs of the increasing number of older people. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee and calls upon the National Executive Council to make representations to the Government that: appropriate housing policies should be promoted that ensure the provision of adequate housing supply for older and disabled […]

Communicate, Communicate, Recruit

Conference, when gathering UNISON leaflets, information and publications for a disabled members event or stand, looking through UNISON publications there is little or none. We are asking the National Disabled Members Committee to look at producing bespoke materials related to Disabled Members issues to be able to use at all levels of the union for […]

Overcoming the Barriers

Conference, Disabled workers often have to overcome more barriers to be able to manage daily life and to hold down a job. The Coalition Government has taken away our support mechanisms to be able maintain and manage ‘normal day to day activities’ including employment. Conference, we instruct that in 2015 the National Disabled Members Committee […]

Disability Hate Crimes

Conference condemns the continuing rise in hate crimes against disabled people in Northern Ireland. In 2011 more than 2,000 such offences were recorded here – up a third on 2010. Research by shows that nine out of 10 people with a learning disability had been a victim. Victims of disability hate crime continue to be […]

Black People and Mental Health

Conference notes with concern the findings of the 2005 “Count Me In” census in England and the following censuses that people from Black Caribbean, Black African and other Black backgrounds are over represented in psychiatric care. Indeed, in May 2013, Health Minister Norman Lamb said in the House of Commons that “something [was] wrong” with […]

Equality Facility Time for Disabled Members

At the Discrimination Law Conference in January 2014 Professor Sir Bob Hepple QC said that “if a new government enacts only one new piece of equality legislation it should be to require equality representatives at workplaces” – such reps would require a legal right to time off to “be involved in drawing up and enforcing […]

Bring all Outsourced Police Services back home

South Wales Police and Justice branch demands that conference take forward and Unison encourages all branches with a determined campaign to ensure that even in times of cuts and austerity that it is possible to bring all Police services and staff back in house. On July 1st this year 100 staff who were previously employed […]

Jobs for the Boys 2014

The cuts to police force budgets have been devastating for the service, and many of our police staff colleagues have been made redundant because of them. A great many of those who have been made redundant are women. As the cuts continue, and forces are not able to reduce police officer numbers other than by […]

Recognising Problems with Regards to Hot-Desking

Police forces across the country in an attempt to save money due to this governments disproportionate budget cuts are looking to rationalise their estates. This has lead to many forces selling off buildings and moving into a centralised location. These new ways of working have seen more staff moving into open plan buildings with hot […]

Bullying in the workplace

Conference due to overwhelming cuts in policing, police staff are facing increased pressure due to the reductions in the workforce. Police staff are being disproportionately effected and bearing the full brunt of this governments cuts agenda. This has lead to managers being under increasing pressure to deliver a service with an ever decreasing workforce. We […]


Conference fully supports the UNISON campaign for transparency and better governance with regard to the pension boards responsible for the pensions of our members, including retired members. It also supports the encouragement of UNISON members to become Member Nominated Representatives (MNRs) on those boards. It is vital to recognise the opportunity this presents to encourage […]

Policing the Police – Domestic Violence Policies that Work

Conference recognises that domestic violence is not a new problem but worryingly the age-old crime is being allowed to become a forgotten statistic of the ConDem police cuts. Statistics show that cases of domestic violence dramatically increase in postcode areas where there is a lack of adequate social welfare support. Austerity measures have diminished household […]

Police and Justice Funding – 2015 General Election

Since the election of the coalition government in 2010 the police and justice budget has been disproportionally slashed which has had a severe impact on UNISON members both at work and within the wider community. Conference believes this unprecedented and imbalanced attack should not be allowed to continue and must be stopped when a Labour […]

Ethical Care Charter for Commissioning Home Care

Conference welcomes the publication of Time to Care, UNISON’s Report into home care and an Ethical Care Charter for commissioning home care which sets out the following principles: 1. Visits shall be based on client need and appropriate care will be provided. Time allocated will match need and 15 minutes will not generally be appropriate […]

Health, Safety and Well-being of Police and Justice Members

Conference notes with grave concern the impact which the Government’s austerity measures are having on the health, safety and well-being of our members in police, probation and Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS). Conference notes that: 1) 20% cuts to policing have led to the reduction of nearly 20,000 police staff across […]