United Kingdom Independence Party

Conference notes Wolvespride is an annual event organised by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender) Network Wolverhampton and of which UNISON is one of nine sponsors, all the others being statutory or commercial organisations. Conference is concerned that, unknown to UNISON, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) hired a stall at Wolvespride on 27th September […]

Tackling Homophobic Attacks

On the 19th of September, Austin Sheridan, an openly gay elected councillor, was the victim of a homophobic attack in George Square, Glasgow outside his place of work. The councillor was an active member of the YES campaign and his attack was carried out by members of the No campaign who were holding a ‘demonstration’ […]

Emergency Service Collaboration – PCSO/Fire Fighters

Conference we are concerned about the proposals for PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers) being encouraged to become retained firefighters. Discussions are taking place between the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) and one of our District Commanders. It is proposed the use of volunteer/retained firefighters be trialled with PCSO’s within the districts of Braintree […]

Protect Access to Work

Conference welcomes the Access to Work (ATW) service which supports disabled people, reduces discrimination at work and removes barriers to employment. This vital service is now under threat. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people already face a range of barriers to work including biphobia, transphobia and homophobia all of which can negatively impact on […]

LGBT rights and collective agreements

Motion for National Delegate Conference Conference is concerned that collective bargaining and pay determination agreements have been under sustained Tory-led attacks. They have sought to destroy the very agreements that prevent them and their business friends from imposing poverty pay with no holiday or sick leave entitlements. Threats of regional pay bargaining are just the […]

TTIP and the threat to LGBT equality

Motion for national delegate conference Conference notes growing concern about the negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade treaty. The proposed agreement is not about traditional trade issues. It is a wide-ranging trade deal giving unprecedented power and influence to transnational […]

Scrapping the bedroom tax

Conference notes that a Private Members Bill “The Affordable Homes Bill” successfully passed its second reading in September 2014, when Members of Parliament voted 304 to 237 in favour. The bedroom tax is a deduction from housing benefit (or the housing element of universal credit) for claimants deemed to be under-occupying their social rented homes. […]


Conference notes the difficulties faced by an ageing population and the strains put on adult social care by the ConDem’s celebration of austerity. Conference is concerned that older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, who may be or become disabled, facing the need for care, whether in care homes or their own homes via […]

HPV awareness

Conference notes that in recent years a vaccination has become available for some of the commonest strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV is a complex of virus strains which can infect humans without visible symptoms for many years. Some cause common complaints such as cold sores, warts and verrucae. About a dozen HPV […]

Kicking Homophobia Out of the World Cup

Conference notes that the 2014 World Cup in Brazil saw claims made by Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE Network) of homophobic chanting by large sections of supporters dismissed by Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). FIFA have also confirmed the awarding of the next two world cups to legislatively homophobic hosts, Russia (2018) and […]

Social care for trans people – Treated with dignity & respect

Conference notes the report produced by NatCen research for UNISON into the effect of austerity on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people highlighting how equality is being side-lined and many specialist services are being diminished for LGBT people. We also note with caution the savage cuts to our health and social care services by […]

NHS Gender Services – A properly funded provision

Conference notes the findings of the NatCen research for UNISON into the effect of austerity on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. The research showed how equality is being side-lined with many specialist services disappearing. LGBT people, and in our experience, many trans people, are being left increasingly isolated and marginalised or feeling guilty […]

Conference Business

Conference notes with regret that motions to our conference last year were not heard and debated. Conference calls on the national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender committee to investigate the reasons for the failure to hear and debate all motions last year and bring forward recommendations to avoid a recurrence to our 2015 conference.

No to Pinkwashing. No to Israeli Apartheid.

“No to Pinkwashing” is a group of Palestine campaigners, trades unionists and socialists based in Britain with strong links with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and with UNISON. “Pinkwashing” is a public relations tactic used by Israel. Israel is increasingly unpopular all over the world because of its occupation, settlements, the Apartheid Wall and the blockade […]

Retaining LGBT Members when They Retire

When UNISON was founded it had about 50,000 retired members. Now it has about 166,000, more than one eighth of total membership. This number and proportion is likely to continue to grow. Retired members therefore form a growing part of the organising agenda. In particular, conference believes that the purposes of self-organisation in Rule D.4.2 […]