Check our funding shortfall map and email your MP to ask them to #SaveOurServices.

See the map

Local authorities keep our communities together and protect the most vulnerable. We’re calling on our leaders to end the cuts and save our services.

Libraries are shutting, waste collections are reducing, and social services are shrinking. More and more essential services that we all rely on every day are crumbling away.

Local services need proper funding to ensure their resilience. Right now, even our most basic services are facing cuts as a result of chronic underfunding from the government.

Staff working in local councils are finding their budgets slashed to the bone; after 13 years of constant cuts, there’s not much left. We face the very real risk of the number of councils declaring effective bankruptcy growing rapidly.

We desperately need to save our services.

Watch the video to find out what is happening to our communities:


What can we do?

Our research has uncovered that there is a funding gap of just over £3.5 billion for 2024/25 and predicts a cumulative shortfall of £7 billion by 2025/26 in local government. Use our map to see the shortfall in your council.

Visit our council cuts map

Local services will disappear without emergency funding now. That’s why we are calling on the government to #SaveOurServices. Send an email to your MP* now, asking them to pledge their support.

Email your MP

*If you’re in Scotland, email your MSP, and in Wales your MS, using our tool.

Other ways to get involved

If you’re a UNISON activist, you can download campaign graphics and videos here. Find our comprehensive campaign toolkit here, and our quick guide to help you get started, here.

If you’re a UNISON branch secretary, we’ve created a template email you can send to your colleagues to encourage them to use our interactive map and lobby their MP:

View our template email here


Bolton Council building

UNISON opinion: Why councils are on the brink – and how they can be pulled back

Everyone knows why councils are on the brink of bankruptcy – a massive 41% cut in government funding over a decade, while demand for services has grown. But there is an alternative for a sustainable future for the local services we all rely on

Council bailout cash not even a short-term fix, says UNISON 

Councils need proper and sustained funding, not panicked quick fixes to keep the wolf from the door in an election year

The cash crisis in councils is worsening by the day

That will mean even more cuts to services and further hardship for communities everywhere.

Councils face ‘dire’ cash crisis totalling more than £3.5bn

Huge funding gaps mean job and service cuts are inevitable

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: How much trouble is your local council in?

As council budgets are slashed by central government, bankruptcies will continue to increase. Only emergency funding now will save our local services