UNISON to negotiate pay and conditions for staff at one of the UK’s largest housing associations

The agreement means staff will have a voice that is heard and respected in the workplace

UNISON to negotiate pay and conditions for staff at one of the UK’s largest housing associations

UNISON has signed a recognition agreement with one of the UK’s largest housing associations, Optivo Housing, allowing the union to negotiate pay and working conditions on behalf of staff there.

The agreement – signed by UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis and Optivo chief executive officer Paul Hackett – allows the union to both recruit new members and negotiate on behalf of existing ones.

Optivo is one of the UK’s largest housing associations with over 44,000 affordable homes in London, the South East and the Midlands. It was formed following the amalgamation of Amicus Horizon and Viridian Housing Association last May.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “UNISON and Optivo have worked closely together to develop a strong working relationship since the merger last May, building upon the foundations already in place.

“The recognition agreement means that staff who belong to UNISON will have a voice that is heard and respected in the workplace.”

Notes to editors:
– UNISON had been formally recognised by Amicus Horizon for over 20 years. This agreement is just one of a number that have recently been signed by newly merged housing associations including Clarion Housing and L&Q/East Thames.