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The letters from NHS doctors and NHS Providers should be a wake-up call for the government

The NHS is under unsustainable pressure and the government needs to take action

Commenting on today’s (Thursday) letter to the Prime Minister from the heads of 68 A&E units and another from NHS Providers to Jeremy Hunt, UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said: 

“The NHS is under unsustainable pressure, and hopefully these letters will be the wake-up call the government needs to finally take action.

“With services stretched to the limit, it is staff and patients who are being left to bear the brunt of inadequate funding.  

“NHS finances are in a dire state across the country, demand is going up but funding isn’t. The government needs to be honest and admit that the cash shortfall is going to mean longer waiting lists, fewer operations, and patient safety compromised.

“In terms of the winter pressures, it’s incredibly difficult for the NHS to cope with a crisis when it is already running at full capacity and staff are already stretched all year round.”

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