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More than 500 UNISON members working in public services heading to Westminster for mass lobby

UNISON members working in public services will make more than half of the 1,000 strong group of workers travelling from across the UK to lobby their MPs today (Monday) at a mass lobby against the trade union bill in Westminster.

Speaking at a rally outside the houses of parliament, UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis will say: “This hard line trade union bill attacks every worker in this country – union member or not.  It’s a bill that is stuck in the past, outdated and not fit for purpose.

“The Tories say they are the party of the working people but their bill attacks collective bargaining, attacks the work our reps do when they speak up for members, negotiate for fairness, for fair pay, for decency and for a better life at work.

“We are here today to deliver a message to this government. UNISON is here to fight back. We will not be deterred or silenced. When you take on our union you take on 1.3 million workers and our collective voices will be heard around the negotiating table, in workplaces and in Westminster.

“We are here to tell ministers that if trade unionism didn’t exist, it would be born again. Everytime a group of workers stand together to say ‘it’s not fair’. Working people have had to fight for every right they’ve ever had.

“At the heart of our struggle has been our great principle that every worker is a human being who matters just as much as their boss, that working people deserve to have a decent life. We stand together today as we will tomorrow.”

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