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National media team

These numbers are for media ​use only, not for queries about membership or general enquiries about the union.

For urgent enquiries over the weekend, Liz Chinchen is on duty on Saturday 29 June and Anthony Barnes is covering Sunday 30 June. The inbox is not constantly monitored so please text/WhatsApp/call on the mobile numbers listed below.

Liz Chinchen E: M: 07778 158175
Anthony Barnes E: M: 07834 864794

The government’s plan to tackle polluting water companies is wide of the mark

Adding a handful of inspectors will make little difference

Government must double maternity pay so mothers can afford to eat and heat homes

Women cannot afford to live on current weekly rate of £172.48

Women in the UK’s public services repeatedly denied flexible-work requests

More must be done to accommodate requests

Ambulance workplace culture needs to change

Review recognises need for change to improve services

Women in the UK’s public services repeatedly denied flexible-work requests, says UNISON

Inconsistent, rigid and unimaginative employers are denying individuals the flexibility they need

Decent NHS pay rise is crucial if both the workforce and the economy are to grow, say health unions

Report sets out case for decent pay

Pay is key to fixing staffing crisis and getting NHS waiting lists down

If the prime minister wants to meet his pledge, he must act over pay

Government inaction to blame for ambulance handover delays, says UNISON

Solving the NHS staffing crisis must be top government priority to improve services

Migrant family ban makes no sense without proper reform of social care, says UNISON

The ban means overseas care staff will be much less likely to come to work in the UK. But migrant workers are still very much needed

Unfair tribunal fees plan shows government is out of ideas, says UNISON

Tribunal fees deny the poorest and most vulnerable access to justice

Council bailout cash not even a short-term fix, says UNISON 

Councils need proper and sustained funding, not panicked quick fixes to keep the wolf from the door in an election year

Westminster government must unlock funding for Northern Ireland public sector pay rise now

Health and education staff strike over absent pay rise

NHS staff need better pay, not divisive distractions, says UNISON

Pitting different groups of staff against each other is wrong approach

Care changes are a start but won’t solve staffing crisis

What’s needed is the proper reform that can only come from a national care service.

Care worker climb down over families shows government in chaos, says UNISON

Ministers could have spared overseas care staff weeks of worry

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