Media centre

National media team

These numbers are for media ​use only, not for queries about membership or general enquiries about the union.

For urgent enquiries over the weekend, Liz Chinchen is on duty on Saturday 29 June and Anthony Barnes is covering Sunday 30 June. The inbox is not constantly monitored so please text/WhatsApp/call on the mobile numbers listed below.

Liz Chinchen E: M: 07778 158175
Anthony Barnes E: M: 07834 864794

Fairer work will be good news for millions, says UNISON

Fair pay agreement for care will boost recruitment in the sector

Tory attacks on employment rights show how little they understand what working people want

Everyone wants to be treated well and respected at work.

Workers in councils and schools should reject low pay offer, says UNISON

Staff to be consulted over employers’ pay proposal

Election can’t come soon enough, says UNISON

A new government that value public services is needed desperately

Skills boot camps for the unemployed a desperate attempt to distract from government failings

Forcing unemployed into care jobs with poor wages is not the answer

Councils need proper funding not further efficiency savings

The best way for councils to run efficient services is for them to be adequately resourced and staffed.

Council and school staff pay offer falls short

UNISON will decide next steps over NJC pay

Investment not wishful thinking is key to fixing the NHS

Government announcement is deflection from its health failures

Government failure to fix NHS buildings puts patients and staff at risk

Hospitals and equipment in no fit state to deliver proper care

Raising pay is crucial step in ending social care crisis

Fair pay agreement is best way forward

Government’s hostile policies are worsening already dire staffing shortages in care, says UNISON

Visa changes could lead to service catastrophe for those in need

Struggling schools forced to rely on teaching assistants as cheap cover for teachers

Ministers are entirely responsible for the funding crisis that’s putting schools in this impossible position.

Government’s failure to implement Windrush decisions is unlawful

UNISON among parties to judicial review of Home Office actions

Government should be ashamed of trading lives for votes over Rwanda

Gambling with lives is a disgrace

Prime Minister should focus on the NHS, not demonise those too sick to work

Prime Minister should focus on the NHS, not demonise those too sick to work.

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