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Happy Christmas – and thank you for all you do

The time of year has come when most people take time off work, spend time with loved ones, relax and recharge their batteries for the year ahead.

Yet for many UNISON members and other public servants, Christmas is a continuation of the working year. Instead of eating turkey or Quality Street, many of you will be providing vital public services that allow the rest of the country to have Christmas off.

While the politicians who have denied UNISON members the real pay rises they deserve are relaxing at home, you’re driving the ambulance on Christmas Day.

While the tax avoiders are heading off for some winter sun, you’re heading into work to make sure the services we rely on are being delivered all through the holidays.

So whether you’re a hospital cleaner, porter, police staff, nurse, receptionist, care worker or any of the other public servants that keep the country functioning at Christmas and all year round– your dedication and sacrifice doesn’t go unnoticed.

Your communities appreciate the efforts you make. Everyone in your union knows the sacrifices you make. And so do I. I am so proud to have those who go above and beyond for our loved ones as an integral part of our union.

In the year ahead, we have so much to fight for. But I know that we can win, because of our union’s greatest strength – the strength of our people.

Merry Christmas, and thanks for being a part of our union.

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