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NHS workers deserve a pay rise

The rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of our NHS members this morning as they came out in force on picket lines across England

The rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of our NHS members this morning as they came out in force on picket lines across England. 

NHS workers don’t take action lightly. But their anger at the government’s decision to ignore the recommendations for a pay rise for all NHS staff was plain to see today. 

I have been making the case for our members on television and radio this morning. It is a disgrace that a third of NHS staff receive less than £21,000 a year, with 20% working second jobs to make ends meet. 
Jeremy Hunt was quick to praise the “hard work” of NHS staff, but words don’t put extra pounds in pay packets and help put food on the table. It’s time that Mr Hunt put his money where his mouth is. 

I was standing shoulder to shoulder with health workers from the London Ambulance Service and St Thomas’ Hospital. Like all our health members they are determined to make the government sit up and take notice of the effect that eroding pay is having on them and their families. 

Today’s strike is just the beginning. For the rest of this week our members will be refusing to work through their breaks. 

For too long the government has relied on the good will of health workers, but the decision to deny a pay rise to the majority of NHS staff this year has been a bridge too far. 

Our members have sent a clear message today that enough is enough. They will not be taken for granted any longer. These workers deserve a pay rise, and the government must come to the table and negotiate with us for a fair pay deal.



Britain Needs A Pay Rise

Worth It

NHS pay campaign

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