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Vote YES for strike

The string of attacks from the government against local government workers has taken its toll. Now it is time to turn anger into action

The string of attacks from the government against local government workers has taken its toll.

Now it is time to turn anger into action.

Those of you working in local government and schools should have received your ballot paper for strike action.

The government has shown contempt for the army of workers who provide care for the elderly and for vulnerable children, who keep our streets clean and safe, prepare meals for school children, keep our libraries and parks running and make sure other local government services are delivered efficiently, despite huge cuts.

Our members are among those hit, too, by the state of the economy, the rise in the cost of food, fuel and housing and benefit cuts.

It is a national disgrace that working people have to rely on benefits, food banks or resort to payday loans at exorbitant interest rates to make ends meet.

Zero hours contracts are on the rise and job insecurity leads to a feeling of despair.

But by voting Yes in the strike ballot, we are making a stand – in unity we are stronger. The government will soon find out that pay freezes and squeezes are not sustainable.

By voting Yes to our local government strike ballot, we will show this government it has have gone too far.

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