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Together we are stronger

Today is International Workers' Day across the globe - the day when the contribution of workers is recognised and celebrated

The 1 May is a day to celebrate International Workers’ Day across the globe.

In more than 80 countries it is marked by a bank holiday and it is the one day of the year when the contribution of workers is recognised and celebrated.

This year, you could be forgiven for thinking that there is little cause for UNISON members to join in the celebrations.

We have a government that – far from recognising and celebrating the contribution of public service workers – is constantly on members’ backs with job cuts and attacks on their pay and conditions.

But we should take heart from May Day and the marches and demonstrations that mark the day.

It is a strong reminder of the power of collective strength and organisation. We have a big fight ahead over the disgraceful pay offers to members in the NHS, local government and schools.  

Over the coming weeks, we will be balloting members for strike action and recommending a ‘yes’ vote.

Today’s powerful message is one that runs right through the union movement – together we are stronger.

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