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Top bosses earn 133 times more than their employees

Top bosses at the FTSE 100 companies received inflation-busting 10% pay rises last year, giving them a massive £4.3m. That's more than six times the increase in average pay across the economy.

Top bosses at the FTSE 100 companies received inflation-busting 10% pay rises last year, giving them a massive £4.3m.

That is more than six times the increase in average pay across the economy. Let’s just compare that to our own members: public-service workers trying to deliver services that people rely on during the current belt-tightening round.

Local government workers, for example, have seen the value of their pay drop by 16%. And what’s on offer now for them and other public service workers is a paltry 1%.

This once more gives the lie to Cameron’s mantra that we are all in this together.

How can any society justify the people at the top getting such massive rises while we have so many people living in poverty? On top of that, those millionaires get a government hand-out via a tax cut.

Figures out also show that the pay of those top bosses is now 133 times their employee’s average earnings.

As I have said on other occasions, how is it that someone can be worth so much, and others worth so little?

This kind of unfairness will only help to fuel resentment, bitterness and despair. We desperately need some measures that will give people hope; a better plan that boosts growth and creates jobs.

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