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‘The largest election we have in UNISON’

Every two years, a new group of senior union activists are elected to lead the union’s national executive committee (NEC), which represents 1.3 million members.

It’s the union’s membership that elects them.

The NEC makes decisions about the future of our union that directly affect UNISON members, which is why it’s vital that all members have their say in who gets to be involved.

Nicky Ramanandi is UNISON’s regional convenor for the Northern region. With a 17-year history in the union, Ms Ramanandi knows how important electing a strong NEC is and has made sure she has returned her ballot papers.

“This is the largest election we have within UNISON, and it elects our most senior body of activists. As a member-led union it’s so important that everyone takes part.

“The people who sit on the NEC hold key leadership positions that make really important decisions on how the union works, how we take forward our policy positions and our financial decisions.

“We’ve got to have people in those posts who are democratic and participatory.”


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However, it’s not just the internal workings of the union that the NEC hold sway over: it’s how the union interacts publicly, nationally and politically.

Ms Ramanandi continued: “We are living in really difficult times. UNISON members are struggling in terms of wages and inflation and the cost of living crisis. We need to make sure that UNISON as a union is responding to that crisis, and those people that we have in leadership positions are key to this.

In a blog published last week, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea urged members not to “give away their power” by not taking part.

UNISON Greenwich assistant branch secretary Clara Mason agrees with this sentiment.

“It’s your union, you have a say, use your vote. It takes two minutes to vote, not even that, and it will define the next two years.”

Ms Mason, who relies on universal credit to supplement her wages, said: “With the cost of living crisis, and the fact that so many workers are struggling, it’s important that UNISON’s leadership makes sure our activists and members have the support they need behind them. We’re in a crisis and it needs to stop.”

More information on the NEC elections is available here.

Voting closes on 19 May 2023.

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