Help boost protection for pregnant women and new parents

UNISON has been working with Dan Jarvis MP on the issue and with a second reading of a private member’s bill due this Friday, you can help ensure it gains support

Torso of a pregnant woman, with hands supporting belly

UNISON is urging members to call on their MPs to support the second reading of a bill that would boost workplace protection for pregnant women and new parents.

The union is concerned about how many pregnant workers are experiencing unfair treatment or discrimination at work – including being singled out for redundancy. During the pandemic, many women were forced out of their jobs because employers didn’t know the law or simply ​chose to ignore it.

The union has been working with Dan Jarvis MP on a private member’s bill that, if passed, will provide pregnant women and new parents with additional protection from redundancy.

With three in four working people currently experiencing maternity discrimination, this bill is a step towards providing working families with security and dignity in the workplace when they take the enormous step of becoming a parent.

By extending Regulation 10 of the Maternity and Paternity Leave Regulations 1999, the bill will prevent employers from laying off new mothers by extending redundancy protections to six months (180 days).

But the new law is at risk of getting stalled in Parliament – and UNISON needs your help to ensure it gets past the next hurdle. This Friday, MPs have the chance to show their support for this bill at its second reading.

Please write to your MP to encourage them to turn up and show their support for the thousands of parents facing discrimination in the workplace.