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Fairer funding for maintained nursery schools

London, United Kingdom - Tuesday 19 October 2021, NEU - Joint Save Our MNS campaign rally and petition hand in at No.10 Downing Street.

UNISON members have played their part in helping to deliver a fairer, long term funding settlement for nursery schools.

Since 2016, nursery schools have had to rely on interim funding that only lasts one year, despite the government promising a long term funding solution. This has resulted in the schools being unable to budget or make planning decisions. As a result, some have been threatened with closure.

UNISON member Remi Tayo (above, yellow top), from Thomas Coram nursery school joined MPs and colleagues from the NEU and NAHT last month to hand in a petition to the Chancellor demanding fair funding.

In response, the government has now agreed that the additional funding for maintained nursery schools is guaranteed for another three years and will increase by 3.5%. Hopefully this will address some of the funding concerns of nursery schools.

Thanks to all those members who completed the petition and joined the rally.

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