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Branch resources review moves to consider range of options

The branch resources review working group met on 3 December to continue developing options for national delegate conference in 2021.

The results from the branch survey revealed that, first, branch officers wanted more time; second, more regional support and third, more financial support.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, work continued throughout the autumn, and the group is now at a stage of considering a long list of options to refine further, some of which are outlined below:

All these things still need to be assessed for feasibility and affordability, and as an overall package.

NEC committees will see more of the proposals in January 2021 and the full NEC will receive a briefing in the new year and then the final report (and motion) on 10 February, with all other national conference business.

UNISON president and chair of the working group Josie Bird said: “The work is intensive in this period, but we can report the atmosphere of collaborative and collegiate working is impressive. We are confident the group will deliver a motion to NDC 2021 that will increase support for branches.”

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