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A strong union is our best defence

UNISON in large letters with public sector workers

Strengthening and building our union is the best defence for our members and our public services after the devastating election defeat, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis told the national executive council’s December meeting.

The scale of the defeat was “devastating for our union, devastating for our members and devastating for our public services,” he said. “But the answers to why we lost are complex and deserve proper consideration rather than just our own views.

“What we need to focus on now is how we strengthen the union to face the challenges we know we will now face.

“We did it in 2010 when we knew we faced austerity – that’s when we introduced fighting fund organisers and changed the way our industrial action fund worked.

“We will need to streamline to the issues where we will have to defend our members. We have to focus on what matters to our members. And above all else, we need to keep them with us.”

A re-invigorated Conservative government was likely to mean renewed attacks on trade unions, attacks on individual rights, and a continued risk of a no-deal Brexit, he warned. And the trade deals that will now be negotiated will risk opening up “all of our public services, not just the NHS” to competitive tender alongside international private companies.

So “today is not for sitting around theorising or casting blame – we need to be strong, as a party and as a union”.

The NEC also heard that the union’s recent Go for Growth campaign in November had been successful. Eleven regions and every service group but one was now in growth and UNISON is now both the biggest and the fastest growing, union.

“There’s one thing the Tories will hate most and that’s a successful, strong, growing union,” assistant general secretary Liz Snape said.

The NEC also heard that:

They agreed:

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