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‘Think again’ UNISON tells government on LGPS plans

UNISON has called on the government to rethink its plans to allow universities and colleges in England to opt out of offering membership of the local government pension scheme to new non-teaching staff.

Responding to the formal consultation on the plans, the union said that the government’s plans are unlikely to achieve the savings being talked about, and it “strongly believes” the proposals should be subject to a formal equality impact assessment.

The consultation response pointed out that the LGPS is an affordable scheme, and the costs of its benefits have recently fallen rather than risen.

The answer to the chronic underfunding of public services currently affecting all areas, including education and especially colleges, is not to withdraw benefits negotiated in good faith, where reassurances were given in 2012 that changes would not be made again for 25 years, the union told the government.

And it certainly isn’t appropriate to deny a decent pension scheme to predominantly low-paid women.

In addition, UNISON argued in response to the proposals that:

On top of that, the union said that all proposed changes to the LGPS should be negotiated through the governance structures of the LGPS.

It argued that the current proposals undermine the work being done by the LGPS scheme advisory board to come up for solutions for LGPS employers that are finding it a challenge to remain in the scheme.

Download the union’s full response

Defend the LGPS: more info and film


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