European unions call for solidarity with Glasgow women

Equal pay victory ‘would be an inspiration to millions of other women fighting for better pay’

An equal pay victory for the thousands of Glasgow women who are striking next week (23 and 24 October) “would be an inspiration to the millions of other women in public services who are fighting for better pay and to see essential jobs in services like social care given the value that they deserve”.

So said EPSU – the European public service union grouping – in a message to all its affiliates across the continent, asking them to support the action and send solidarity to the UNISON and GMB members involved.

“We are urging all EPSU affiliates to send messages of support to our affiliates UNISON and GMB in the UK as they prepare for strike action by 8,000 women who work for Glasgow City Council in Scotland,” says the letter from EPSU general secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan.

“The women work in a range of low-paid jobs in school administration, learning support, nurseries, home care, cleaning and catering.

“The GMB and UNISON have been involved in a long process, involving legal claims and negotiations, to get these workers the equal pay they deserve and have been long denied.”

Meanwhile, in the Glasgow City branch office, members were pressing ahead with preparations for the strike and a STUC-hosted rally on Tuesday 23 October, the first day of action.

Branch members were busy getting pickets’ armbands, placards, flags and balloons ready for Tuesday and making sure picket lines are organised and staffed for each of the strike days.


More than 5,000 UNISON member will be on strike, alongside more than 2,000 GMB members. The unions are demanding:

  • that individual claimants are compensated for past discrimination as soon as possible;
  • a new job evaluation scheme which delivers pay equality and pay justice for all;
  • that the council commits itself to properly funding pay equality.

The STUC is hosting the strike rally on Tuesday. It will assemble at 11.30pm, 23 October, at Glasgow Green before marching to a rally at George Square, where UNISON assistant general secretary Christina McAnea will speak.

Find out more on the Facebook event page

Find out more about UNISON and equal pay

Earlier story: Thousands of Glasgow women set to strike for equal pay (16 October 2018)