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Scottish NHS members vote for three-year pay deal

UNISON members working for the NHS in Scotland have voted by 94% in favour of a new three-year pay deal worth at least 9% over 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The vote comes after a four-week, online ballot that gave 60,000 NHS workers the chance to have their say.

“Today, I am pleased to announce that 94% of UNISON members have voted to accept a pay deal which will put an additional £400m into NHS workers’ pay packets in Scotland,” announced UNISON Scotland health committee chair Thomas Waterson after the votes were counted.

“This deal delivers real increases of between 3% and 27% for NHS workers in Scotland.”

UNISON Scotland head of health Matt McLaughlin described the vote as “a good result for UNISON members and I am happy that across Scotland we reached out to and engaged with the vast majority of our members.

“Their decision is a ringing endorsement of the offer.”

The deal, negotiated with the Scottish government following the pay deal for NHS England workers, means:

The deal applies to all NHS contractor staff, as well as those directly employed by NHS Scotland.

Read more on the UNISON Scotland website

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