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HE members to be consulted over proposed pension changes

UNISON has launched a consultation with higher education members after their employer proposed changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) pension scheme that could see staff thousands of pounds worse off.

Universities UK has proposed ending any defined benefit from being earned in the future and moving to a completely defined-contribution scheme.

UNISON’s higher education service group executive has concluded that members who are also members of the pension scheme are to be consulted on the proposed changes.

The executive is recommending that members reject the proposals and prepare to take part in sustained and prolonged industrial action.

UNISON head of higher education Donna Rowe-Merriman said “The changes proposed by the employers will have a devastating impact on UNISON USS members.

“It is vital that UNISON members that belong to the USS pension scheme make their views known on this offer to fundamentally change the scheme.”

The consultation runs until 2 March 2018.

The University and College Union has already balloted members over the proposed changes and has announced that it is to take 14 days of strike action across a four-week period in at least 61 higher education institutions, beginning on 22 February.

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