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Nominations are open for 2017 NEC election

UNISON sign at the union's centre in London

Nominations are now open for this years elections to the union’s national executive council (NEC), the senior body of the union made up of elected union members.

The nomination period opened on Monday 9 January and will close at 5pm on Friday 10 February 2017.

The NEC is made up of representatives of the union’s regions, service groups and Black members, disabled members and young members.

The exact numbers of seats, and what union bodies can make nominations for them, in each category can be found in the election procedures.

The election procedures and materials are  available to download from the elections page of the UNISON website and on request from the member liaison unit: phone 020 7121 5399; email

Branches should make sure that the names of the branch chairperson and secretary are current and up to date on the RMS. This is because nominations will only be accepted if they are authorised by the branch secretary and branch chairperson, and these names must correspond with that recorded on the RMS.

If your branch is an RMS user, this information should be entered locally. If not, please contact your regional office and ask them to amend their records as soon as possible.

For more information, contact the member liaison unit at the UNISON Centre. Telephone 020 7121 5399, email

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