You’ve been thanked!

The public says thank you to public service workers as part of UNISON’s Public Service Champions campaign

“They made sure I was safe and prevented me from being groomed. They took me to hospital and looked after me. They would always look for me whenever I ran away. They deserve the biggest thank you!”

This was a thank you message from Sophie* to Derbyshire Constabulary.

Public service workers can be the difference between a life destroyed and a life that flourishes.

We already know that at UNISON, and it’s why we started our Public Service Champions campaign a couple of months ago.

The campaign allows the public to say thank you to the workers who have had an impact on their lives. That’s you!

So here are just a few of the heartwarming thank-you messages we’ve received so far.


“They tried to save my daughter’s life but sadly, they couldn’t. They put their all into saving her and I never had the chance to thank them. Thank you for trying, I am forever grateful.”

From Maureen to the North Devon Paramedics team


“Two of my children have chronic health conditions. The care they receive by the wonderful staff should be recognised. They have made it easier for my daughters to deal with what’s happening to them and they have supported me unfailingly for many years. Thank you.”

From Rachel to the Blackburn Royal Hospital Children’s unit


“This anaesthetist is an amazing NHS worker who went above and beyond the call of duty. She saved my life after the difficult birth of my son. Although being pulled in so many directions that day and the days after, she was the only person to notice the serious error in the care I was given. She acted quickly to rectify the situation, paid close attention to my care and even called my ward one night from home to check on me.

“Even though she worked in a different department a few days after, she made special efforts to see me in person. A brilliant example of a NHS workers who care beyond their basic duties. Thank you.”

From Ashley to a doctor at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital


“She is a real ambassador to the caring profession. She goes above and beyond to ensure my care needs are met and she always has a smile on her face. Even when she was knocked off her bike, she arrived to her appointment on time and continued working during her recovery.”

From Gerard to Yvonne at Carewatch, Blackpool


“They saved my life after I tried to end it. I didn’t even see them, I don’t know who they are, but I owe them my life.”

From Anonymous to North West Ambulance Service



* Several respondents only gave their first name