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Save our local services: exciting new toolkit

UNISON has a long history of campaigning against unfair policies that hurt local workers and communities, from fighting for the national minimum wage to resisting cuts.

Since 2013, UNISON’s Save Our Local Services (SOS) campaign has put a spotlight on the scale of cuts to council services and their impact.

As the largest public-services union, we are one of the last lines of defence to protect local services and speak out against the unnecessary cuts being imposed by the Westminster government.

This week, UNISON published the SOS campaign’s toolkit, Campaigning against local cuts, which will support UNISON activists and members to start up their own campaign against further cuts to vital local services.

The toolkit gives activists and members advice on how local government works and the financial situation that councils face, as well as ideas and tips on building the case against local cuts, using the media and lobbying politicians.

We hope that the toolkit will inspire you to fight back against local cuts and help you to encourage local authorities to minimise the impact of the Conservative government’s cruel cuts.

This autumn, the SOS campaign will highlight the impact of cuts to social care services that support older people and campaign for more government investment to stop the growing crisis in social care.

We will be publishing new research that explains the scale of cuts to these services and how this affects social care workers and older service users.

And on 16 November, UNISON activists and members will join together to raise awareness of the devastating impact of cuts to older people’s social care services on our first ever SOS Day!

Find out more about how you can get start getting ready for SOS Day in our campaign factsheet.

Download the SOS toolkit 

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