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‘I really didn’t believe it’, says UNISON prize draw winner

“I really didn’t believe it at first when I got the phone call, I was always one of those people who thought nobody really won these sorts of things but it’s finally sinking in and I am definitely glad I decided to answer that call!”

That was the reaction of UNISON member Abigail Hunt when she took the call to tell her that her name had been first out of the hat in the union’s prize draw.

“The money will be a massive help in my life and couldn’t have come at a better time. I am really looking forward to putting it to good use – some of it will go to making mine and my partner’s ‘dream for the future’ trip a reality.”

Ms Hunt, who lives in Leicester and works for East Midlands Gas, is the winner of our first prize of £10,000, which was provided by

To enter the competition members were asked to make sure the union had up-to-date contact details for them. This is because the more easily we can contact our members the better we can support them. This is now more vital than ever because unions are under attack as never before.

Our second prizes, of family holidays worth up to £2,000, and provided by UIA Mutual, go to:

Richard Sharp from Dundee City;

Carolynn Travis from Cumbria and North Lancashire Health;

Angela Williams from Westminster branch.

Our third prize winners have all won health and dental plans of up to £300, provided by UNISON Health and Dental Plans.And they are:

Mandy Morton – Hull and East Riding Health;

Ravinder Virdi – Leicester City;

Dawn Mercer – Guy’s and St Thomas’;

Kim Allain – Southend Hospital NHS Trust;

Jacqueline Twidale – Tees Esk and Wear Valleys Health;

Sharon Thompson – West Midlands Police Staff Branch;

Sara Jenkins – Norfolk County;

Helen Hawkins – Lancashire Health;

Minaxi Patel – Camden;

Jay McCabe – Rhondda Cynon Taff;

Tracy Keverne – Housing Associations Branch;

Caroline Bandcroft – University of Bedfordshire;

Linda Sherwood – Leeds Local Government;

Claire Jakeman – Dorset Police and Justice Branch;

Andrew Carson – Royal Hospital Trust;

Janice Mcdowell – Lothian Health;

Orleen Hilton – Local Government Organisations;

Peter Williams – YMLAEN-FORWARD;

Noorjahan Sheikh – National Grid Energy;

Upton Williams – Coventry and Warwickshire Combined Healthcare.

So congratulations to all our prize winners and thanks to all our UNISON partners who made it possible.

Together, we are all making UNISON stronger!


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