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Take 10 minutes and use your vote

The polls are open until 10 o'clock tonight - so if you've not already voted, please get down there and have your say

Dave Prentis outside his local polling station

It’s election day. I’ve made my trip to the polling station and cast my vote.

The polls are open until 10 o’clock tonight – so if you’ve not already voted, please get down there and join me in having your say.

Because this is both the closest and the most important election for a generation.

Ordinary people cannot face another five years of attacks on their wages, their jobs and the key services we all rely on.

Our country faces a real and stark choice – and we need a change.

So I’m asking your to vote, and to vote for a change of government. In most constituencies, that means voting for the Labour candidate. But the important thing is that you have your say, and vote.

Yes, it’s one more thing in a busy day.

Getting ready for work, and getting the kids ready for school; doing a full day at your job – or in too many cases jobs – then getting home, perhaps picking the kids up from school, getting them their dinner  … there’s a lot we all have to pack into today. 

But voting only takes 10 minutes and you can do it any time up to 10 o’clock tonight. 

So please … make the time, take those 10 minutes and use your vote

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