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Tomorrow is a simple, but crucial, choice

Why I'll be voting for that tomorrow and why I urge everyone else to do so as well.

From Cardiff to Cambridge, from Leeds to Brighton Kemptown, via Thanet South – like so many of you, I’ve been out on the road campaigning in key marginal seats identified by UNISON, to make sure people vote and we get a change of government at the end of this week.

Everywhere I’ve been I’ve been talking to UNISON members and other voters … and I’m more convinced than ever that this is the most important election I’ve known in more than 30 years:


Those things are important – and the stories of so many people I’ve met while out campaigning show that real ordinary people are suffering as every one of those areas is attacked by the Tories.

It’s for those people, our people, that tomorrow is so important.

Because tomorrow is a simple, but crucial, choice


That’s why I’m campaigning for a change of government.

That’s why I’ll be voting for that change tomorrow.

And that’s why I urge everyone else to do so as well.

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