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The latest from the Nursing and Midwifery Council

An update from the Nursing and Midwifery Council including revalidation, a revised code of conduct and NMC fees


There are currently a number of revalidation pilot sites that the NMC have partnered with to test the system and processes underpinning revalidation. These include:

A review by the NMC of the pilots is planned to take place at the end of June 2015. UNISON will be holding a UK-wide meeting to discuss any issues or concerns raised during the pilots with representatives in those pilot sites in June.

More on revalidation


Revised NMC code of conduct

The NMC’s code of conduct which sets out standards of conduct, performance and ethics for the profession, has been revised. The revised NMC code took effect from 31 March 2015.

Revised code of conduct


New social networking guidance

The new social networking guidance which underpins the Code, covers the need to use social media and social networking sites responsibly.

Social networking guidance

Raising concerns guidance updated

The guidance for nurses and midwives on raising concerns has been updated to reflect the new Code in 2015. It sets out broad principles that will help you think through the issues and take appropriate action in the public interest.

Raising concern guidance updated


UNISON secures fees debate

Following the e-petition on NMC fee increases reaching over 100,000 signatures, Dave Anderson MP secured a Westminster Hall parliamentary debate on 23 March 2015. Watch the debate using the link below.

Watch the fees debate

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