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UNISON probation members urged to vote Yes to strike action

Probation staff in England and Wales will be balloted for strike action, and action short of a strike, between 1 May and 20 May

Probation members in England and Wales are being asked to vote for strike action – and vote yes to action short of a strike – in a ballot opening on 1 May and closing on 20 May.

This will cover both members working for the National Probation Service and the new, outsourced “community rehabilitation companies”. If members have not received a ballot paper, or need a replacement, a ballot helpline will be open from 8-15 May on 0800 0 857 857 (textphone: 0800 0 967 968).

Lines are open from 6am to midnight on Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. 

Earlier this year, 96% of members taking part in a consultation over the employers’ 2014 pay offer of 0% voted to reject it.

In response, the employers have now put forward a “full and final offer” of:

The union described the employers’ position as “a slap in the face”. 


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