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Register to vote by 20 April

With everything pointing to the closest election in a generation, and some seats destined to be decided by just a handful of votes, all of us have the power to make a difference - so make sure you're registered to vote

The 20 April deadline for registering to vote is fast approaching. 

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the number of people who say they are disengaged with politics and politicians.

In the 2010 election, we know that that 35% of adults in the UK - including more than nine million women -didn’t vote. That’s 35% of people who didn’t have their say on who would run the country for the next five years. 

This government’s policies have had a disastrous impact on our public services, and our members who keep them running. And the worst is yet to come if the Tories get back into power. 

With everything pointing to the closest election in a generation, and some seats destined to be decided by just a handful of votes, all of us have the power to make sure this doesn’t happen. 

So don’t let the election campaign pass you by. 

With just three weeks left to register to vote, if you’ve not done so already, please do take the three minutes that you need to register online.

All you need is your name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number.

Register to vote

And if you can’t get to a polling station on 7 May, you can apply for a postal vote.

You don’t even need to say why, but you must do so before 21 Apri.l

Postal voting

As a union, we have a big part to play. From now until the election, UNISON activists will be using pledge cards to gather support for voting for public services.

If you’ve not yet completed yours, again please take a few minutes to do so online.

 Pledge to vote for public services

We could all be forgiven for thinking the election campaign has already been going on for months. But today is the first formal day of campaigning. 

And with just 16 days left to register to vote, it’s crucial that we get our message out. 

Care for it? Vote for it. 

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